Class BootstraplessSynthesizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IBoundStackSynthesizer, IReusableStackSynthesizer, IStackSynthesizer,

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.104.0 (build e79254c)", date="2025-01-10T21:56:45.308Z") @Stability(Stable) public class BootstraplessSynthesizer extends DefaultStackSynthesizer
Synthesizer that reuses bootstrap roles from a different region.

A special synthesizer that behaves similarly to DefaultStackSynthesizer, but doesn't require bootstrapping the environment it operates in. Instead, it will re-use the Roles that were created for a different region (which is possible because IAM is a global service).

However, it will not assume asset buckets or repositories have been created, and therefore does not support assets.

The name is poorly chosen -- it does still require bootstrapping, it just does not support assets.

Used by the CodePipeline construct for the support stacks needed for cross-region replication S3 buckets. App builders do not need to use this synthesizer directly.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 BootstraplessSynthesizer bootstraplessSynthesizer = BootstraplessSynthesizer.Builder.create()
  • Constructor Details

    • BootstraplessSynthesizer

      protected BootstraplessSynthesizer( objRef)
    • BootstraplessSynthesizer

      protected BootstraplessSynthesizer( initializationMode)
    • BootstraplessSynthesizer

      @Stability(Stable) public BootstraplessSynthesizer(@Nullable BootstraplessSynthesizerProps props)
      props -
    • BootstraplessSynthesizer

      @Stability(Stable) public BootstraplessSynthesizer()
  • Method Details

    • addDockerImageAsset

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public DockerImageAssetLocation addDockerImageAsset(@NotNull DockerImageAssetSource _asset)
      Register a Docker Image Asset.

      Returns the parameters that can be used to refer to the asset inside the template.

      The synthesizer must rely on some out-of-band mechanism to make sure the given files are actually placed in the returned location before the deployment happens. This can be by writing the instructions to the asset manifest (for use by the cdk-assets tool), by relying on the CLI to upload files (legacy behavior), or some other operator controlled mechanism.

      Specified by:
      addDockerImageAsset in interface IStackSynthesizer
      addDockerImageAsset in class DefaultStackSynthesizer
      _asset - This parameter is required.
    • addFileAsset

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public FileAssetLocation addFileAsset(@NotNull FileAssetSource _asset)
      Register a File Asset.

      Returns the parameters that can be used to refer to the asset inside the template.

      The synthesizer must rely on some out-of-band mechanism to make sure the given files are actually placed in the returned location before the deployment happens. This can be by writing the instructions to the asset manifest (for use by the cdk-assets tool), by relying on the CLI to upload files (legacy behavior), or some other operator controlled mechanism.

      Specified by:
      addFileAsset in interface IStackSynthesizer
      addFileAsset in class DefaultStackSynthesizer
      _asset - This parameter is required.
    • synthesize

      @Stability(Stable) public void synthesize(@NotNull ISynthesisSession session)
      Synthesize the associated stack to the session.

      Specified by:
      synthesize in interface IStackSynthesizer
      synthesize in class DefaultStackSynthesizer
      session - This parameter is required.