Interface CfnCertificateAuthority.CrlConfigurationProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnCertificateAuthority.CrlConfigurationProperty extends
Contains configuration information for a certificate revocation list (CRL).

Your private certificate authority (CA) creates base CRLs. Delta CRLs are not supported. You can enable CRLs for your new or an existing private CA by setting the Enabled parameter to true . Your private CA writes CRLs to an S3 bucket that you specify in the S3BucketName parameter. You can hide the name of your bucket by specifying a value for the CustomCname parameter. Your private CA by default copies the CNAME or the S3 bucket name to the CRL Distribution Points extension of each certificate it issues. If you want to configure this default behavior to be something different, you can set the CrlDistributionPointExtensionConfiguration parameter. Your S3 bucket policy must give write permission to AWS Private CA.

AWS Private CA assets that are stored in Amazon S3 can be protected with encryption. For more information, see Encrypting Your CRLs .

Your private CA uses the value in the ExpirationInDays parameter to calculate the nextUpdate field in the CRL. The CRL is refreshed prior to a certificate's expiration date or when a certificate is revoked. When a certificate is revoked, it appears in the CRL until the certificate expires, and then in one additional CRL after expiration, and it always appears in the audit report.

A CRL is typically updated approximately 30 minutes after a certificate is revoked. If for any reason a CRL update fails, AWS Private CA makes further attempts every 15 minutes.

CRLs contain the following fields:

  • Version : The current version number defined in RFC 5280 is V2. The integer value is 0x1.
  • Signature Algorithm : The name of the algorithm used to sign the CRL.
  • Issuer : The X.500 distinguished name of your private CA that issued the CRL.
  • Last Update : The issue date and time of this CRL.
  • Next Update : The day and time by which the next CRL will be issued.
  • Revoked Certificates : List of revoked certificates. Each list item contains the following information.
  • Serial Number : The serial number, in hexadecimal format, of the revoked certificate.
  • Revocation Date : Date and time the certificate was revoked.
  • CRL Entry Extensions : Optional extensions for the CRL entry.
  • X509v3 CRL Reason Code : Reason the certificate was revoked.
  • CRL Extensions : Optional extensions for the CRL.
  • X509v3 Authority Key Identifier : Identifies the public key associated with the private key used to sign the certificate.
  • X509v3 CRL Number: : Decimal sequence number for the CRL.
  • Signature Algorithm : Algorithm used by your private CA to sign the CRL.
  • Signature Value : Signature computed over the CRL.

Certificate revocation lists created by AWS Private CA are DER-encoded. You can use the following OpenSSL command to list a CRL.

openssl crl -inform DER -text -in *crl_path* -noout

For more information, see Planning a certificate revocation list (CRL) in the AWS Private Certificate Authority User Guide


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CrlConfigurationProperty crlConfigurationProperty = CrlConfigurationProperty.builder()
         // the properties below are optional

See Also: