Class IApplication.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
IResource, IResource.Jsii$Default, IApplication, IApplication.Jsii$Default,, software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IConstruct.Jsii$Default, software.constructs.IDependable, software.constructs.IDependable.Jsii$Default
Enclosing interface:

@Internal public static final class IApplication.Jsii$Proxy extends implements IApplication.Jsii$Default
A proxy class which represents a concrete javascript instance of this type.
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
  • Method Details

    • getNode

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final software.constructs.Node getNode()
      The tree node.
      Specified by:
      getNode in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      Specified by:
      getNode in interface software.constructs.IConstruct
      Specified by:
      getNode in interface software.constructs.IConstruct.Jsii$Default
      Specified by:
      getNode in interface IResource.Jsii$Default
    • getEnv

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final ResourceEnvironment getEnv()
      The environment this resource belongs to.

      For resources that are created and managed by the CDK (generally, those created by creating new class instances like Role, Bucket, etc.), this is always the same as the environment of the stack they belong to; however, for imported resources (those obtained from static methods like fromRoleArn, fromBucketName, etc.), that might be different than the stack they were imported into.

      Specified by:
      getEnv in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      Specified by:
      getEnv in interface IResource
      Specified by:
      getEnv in interface IResource.Jsii$Default
    • getStack

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final Stack getStack()
      The stack in which this resource is defined.
      Specified by:
      getStack in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      Specified by:
      getStack in interface IResource
      Specified by:
      getStack in interface IResource.Jsii$Default
    • getApplicationArn

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final String getApplicationArn()
      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
      Specified by:
      getApplicationArn in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      getApplicationArn in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
    • getApplicationId

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final String getApplicationId()
      The ID of the application.
      Specified by:
      getApplicationId in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      getApplicationId in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
    • getDescription

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public final String getDescription()
      The description of the application.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
    • getName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public final String getName()
      The name of the application.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
    • applyRemovalPolicy

      @Stability(Stable) public final void applyRemovalPolicy(@NotNull RemovalPolicy policy)
      Apply the given removal policy to this resource.

      The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource to be replaced.

      The resource can be deleted (RemovalPolicy.DESTROY), or left in your AWS account for data recovery and cleanup later (RemovalPolicy.RETAIN).

      Specified by:
      applyRemovalPolicy in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      Specified by:
      applyRemovalPolicy in interface IResource
      Specified by:
      applyRemovalPolicy in interface IResource.Jsii$Default
      policy - This parameter is required.
    • addEnvironment

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final IEnvironment addEnvironment(@NotNull String id, @Nullable EnvironmentOptions options)
      Adds an environment.

      Specified by:
      addEnvironment in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      addEnvironment in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      id - The name of the environment construct. This parameter is required.
      options - The options for the environment construct.
    • addEnvironment

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final IEnvironment addEnvironment(@NotNull String id)
      Adds an environment.

      Specified by:
      addEnvironment in interface IApplication
      id - The name of the environment construct. This parameter is required.
    • addExistingEnvironment

      @Stability(Stable) public final void addExistingEnvironment(@NotNull IEnvironment environment)
      Adds an existing environment.

      Specified by:
      addExistingEnvironment in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      addExistingEnvironment in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      environment - The environment. This parameter is required.
    • addExtension

      @Stability(Stable) public final void addExtension(@NotNull IExtension extension)
      Adds an extension association to the application.

      Specified by:
      addExtension in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      addExtension in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      extension - The extension to create an association for. This parameter is required.
    • addHostedConfiguration

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final HostedConfiguration addHostedConfiguration(@NotNull String id, @NotNull HostedConfigurationOptions options)
      Adds a hosted configuration.

      Specified by:
      addHostedConfiguration in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      addHostedConfiguration in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      id - The name of the hosted configuration construct. This parameter is required.
      options - The options for the hosted configuration construct. This parameter is required.
    • addSourcedConfiguration

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final SourcedConfiguration addSourcedConfiguration(@NotNull String id, @NotNull SourcedConfigurationOptions options)
      Adds a sourced configuration.

      Specified by:
      addSourcedConfiguration in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      addSourcedConfiguration in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      id - The name of the sourced configuration construct. This parameter is required.
      options - The options for the sourced configuration construct. This parameter is required.
    • atDeploymentTick

      @Stability(Stable) public final void atDeploymentTick(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an AT_DEPLOYMENT_TICK extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      atDeploymentTick in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      atDeploymentTick in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • atDeploymentTick

      @Stability(Stable) public final void atDeploymentTick(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an AT_DEPLOYMENT_TICK extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      atDeploymentTick in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • environments

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public final List<IEnvironment> environments()
      Returns the list of associated environments.
      Specified by:
      environments in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      environments in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
    • on

      @Stability(Stable) public final void on(@NotNull ActionPoint actionPoint, @NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an extension defined by the action point and event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      on in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      on in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      actionPoint - The action point which triggers the event. This parameter is required.
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • on

      @Stability(Stable) public final void on(@NotNull ActionPoint actionPoint, @NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an extension defined by the action point and event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      on in interface IApplication
      actionPoint - The action point which triggers the event. This parameter is required.
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • onDeploymentBaking

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentBaking(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_BAKING extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentBaking in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      onDeploymentBaking in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • onDeploymentBaking

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentBaking(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_BAKING extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentBaking in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • onDeploymentComplete

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentComplete(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentComplete in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      onDeploymentComplete in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • onDeploymentComplete

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentComplete(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentComplete in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • onDeploymentRolledBack

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentRolledBack(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_ROLLED_BACK extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentRolledBack in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      onDeploymentRolledBack in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • onDeploymentRolledBack

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentRolledBack(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_ROLLED_BACK extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentRolledBack in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • onDeploymentStart

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentStart(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_START extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStart in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStart in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • onDeploymentStart

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentStart(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_START extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStart in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • onDeploymentStep

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentStep(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_STEP extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStep in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStep in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • onDeploymentStep

      @Stability(Stable) public final void onDeploymentStep(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_STEP extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      onDeploymentStep in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion

      @Stability(Stable) public final void preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds a PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion

      @Stability(Stable) public final void preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds a PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      preCreateHostedConfigurationVersion in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
    • preStartDeployment

      @Stability(Stable) public final void preStartDeployment(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination, @Nullable ExtensionOptions options)
      Adds a PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      preStartDeployment in interface IApplication
      Specified by:
      preStartDeployment in interface IApplication.Jsii$Default
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.
      options - Options for the extension.
    • preStartDeployment

      @Stability(Stable) public final void preStartDeployment(@NotNull IEventDestination eventDestination)
      Adds a PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to an application.

      Specified by:
      preStartDeployment in interface IApplication
      eventDestination - The event that occurs during the extension. This parameter is required.