Interface HttpConnectionPool

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.103.1 (build bef2dea)", date="2024-10-11T15:55:53.204Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface HttpConnectionPool extends
Connection pool properties for HTTP listeners.


 // A Virtual Node with a gRPC listener with a connection pool set
 Mesh mesh;
 VirtualNode node = VirtualNode.Builder.create(this, "node")
         // DNS service discovery can optionally specify the DNS response type as either LOAD_BALANCER or ENDPOINTS.
         // LOAD_BALANCER means that the DNS resolver returns a loadbalanced set of endpoints,
         // whereas ENDPOINTS means that the DNS resolver is returning all the endpoints.
         // By default, the response type is assumed to be LOAD_BALANCER
         .serviceDiscovery(ServiceDiscovery.dns("node", DnsResponseType.ENDPOINTS))
 // A Virtual Gateway with a gRPC listener with a connection pool set
 VirtualGateway gateway = VirtualGateway.Builder.create(this, "gateway")
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