Interface BasicStepScalingPolicyProps

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicStepScalingPolicyProps.Jsii$Proxy, StepScalingPolicyProps.Jsii$Proxy

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.106.0 (build e852934)", date="2025-02-06T22:15:49.875Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface BasicStepScalingPolicyProps extends

 AutoScalingGroup autoScalingGroup;
 Metric workerUtilizationMetric = Metric.Builder.create()
 autoScalingGroup.scaleOnMetric("ScaleToCPU", BasicStepScalingPolicyProps.builder()
         .scalingSteps(List.of(ScalingInterval.builder().upper(10).change(-1).build(), ScalingInterval.builder().lower(50).change(+1).build(), ScalingInterval.builder().lower(70).change(+3).build()))
         // Change this to AdjustmentType.PERCENT_CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY to interpret the
         // 'change' numbers before as percentages instead of capacity counts.
  • Method Details

    • getMetric

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull IMetric getMetric()
      Metric to scale on.
    • getScalingSteps

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull List<ScalingInterval> getScalingSteps()
      The intervals for scaling.

      Maps a range of metric values to a particular scaling behavior.

      Must be between 2 and 40 steps.

    • getAdjustmentType

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default AdjustmentType getAdjustmentType()
      How the adjustment numbers inside 'intervals' are interpreted.

      Default: ChangeInCapacity

    • getCooldown

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Duration getCooldown()
      Grace period after scaling activity.

      Default: Default cooldown period on your AutoScalingGroup

    • getDatapointsToAlarm

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Number getDatapointsToAlarm()
      The number of data points out of the evaluation periods that must be breaching to trigger a scaling action.

      Creates an "M out of N" alarm, where this property is the M and the value set for evaluationPeriods is the N value.

      Only has meaning if evaluationPeriods != 1. Must be less than or equal to evaluationPeriods.

      Default: - Same as `evaluationPeriods`

    • getEstimatedInstanceWarmup

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Duration getEstimatedInstanceWarmup()
      Estimated time until a newly launched instance can send metrics to CloudWatch.

      Default: Same as the cooldown

    • getEvaluationPeriods

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Number getEvaluationPeriods()
      How many evaluation periods of the metric to wait before triggering a scaling action.

      Raising this value can be used to smooth out the metric, at the expense of slower response times.

      If datapointsToAlarm is not set, then all data points in the evaluation period must meet the criteria to trigger a scaling action.

      Default: 1

    • getMetricAggregationType

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default MetricAggregationType getMetricAggregationType()
      Aggregation to apply to all data points over the evaluation periods.

      Only has meaning if evaluationPeriods != 1.

      Default: - The statistic from the metric if applicable (MIN, MAX, AVERAGE), otherwise AVERAGE.

    • getMinAdjustmentMagnitude

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Number getMinAdjustmentMagnitude()
      Minimum absolute number to adjust capacity with as result of percentage scaling.

      Only when using AdjustmentType = PercentChangeInCapacity, this number controls the minimum absolute effect size.

      Default: No minimum scaling effect

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static BasicStepScalingPolicyProps.Builder builder()
      a BasicStepScalingPolicyProps.Builder of BasicStepScalingPolicyProps