Interface ILambdaDeploymentConfig

All Superinterfaces:
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All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomLambdaDeploymentConfig, ILambdaDeploymentConfig.Jsii$Proxy, LambdaDeploymentConfig

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.104.0 (build e79254c)", date="2025-01-15T21:09:16.306Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface ILambdaDeploymentConfig extends, IBaseDeploymentConfig
The Deployment Configuration of a Lambda Deployment Group.

If you're managing the Deployment Configuration alongside the rest of your CDK resources, use the LambdaDeploymentConfig class.

If you want to reference an already existing deployment configuration, or one defined in a different CDK Stack, use the LambdaDeploymentConfig#fromLambdaDeploymentConfigName method.

The default, pre-defined Configurations are available as constants on the LambdaDeploymentConfig class (LambdaDeploymentConfig.AllAtOnce, LambdaDeploymentConfig.Canary10Percent30Minutes, etc.).