Class KubernetesVersion

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.102.0 (build e354887)", date="2024-09-10T01:10:09.215Z") @Stability(Stable) public class KubernetesVersion extends
Kubernetes cluster version.


 // or
 Vpc vpc;
 Cluster.Builder.create(this, "MyCluster")
 Cluster.fromClusterAttributes(this, "MyCluster", ClusterAttributes.builder()

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • V1_14

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_14
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.14.

    • V1_15

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_15
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.15.

    • V1_16

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_16
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.16.

    • V1_17

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_17
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.17.

    • V1_18

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_18
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.18.

    • V1_19

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_19
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.19.

    • V1_20

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_20
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.20.

    • V1_21

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_21
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.21.

    • V1_22

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated public static final KubernetesVersion V1_22
      Use newer version of EKS
      (deprecated) Kubernetes version 1.22.

    • V1_23

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_23
      Kubernetes version 1.23.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV23Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v23.

    • V1_24

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_24
      Kubernetes version 1.24.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV24Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v24.

    • V1_25

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_25
      Kubernetes version 1.25.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV25Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v25.

    • V1_26

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_26
      Kubernetes version 1.26.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV26Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v26.

    • V1_27

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_27
      Kubernetes version 1.27.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV27Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v27.

    • V1_28

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_28
      Kubernetes version 1.28.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV28Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v28.

    • V1_29

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_29
      Kubernetes version 1.29.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV29Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v29.

    • V1_30

      @Stability(Stable) public static final KubernetesVersion V1_30
      Kubernetes version 1.30.

      When creating a Cluster with this version, you need to also specify the kubectlLayer property with a KubectlV30Layer from @aws-cdk/lambda-layer-kubectl-v30.

  • Constructor Details

    • KubernetesVersion

      protected KubernetesVersion( objRef)
    • KubernetesVersion

      protected KubernetesVersion( initializationMode)
  • Method Details

    • of

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public static KubernetesVersion of(@NotNull String version)
      Custom cluster version.

      version - custom version number. This parameter is required.
    • getVersion

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getVersion()
      cluster version number.