Interface AddNetworkTargetsProps

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.103.1 (build bef2dea)", date="2024-10-05T03:43:43.273Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface AddNetworkTargetsProps extends
Properties for adding new network targets to a listener.


 Vpc vpc;
 AutoScalingGroup asg;
 ISecurityGroup sg1;
 ISecurityGroup sg2;
 // Create the load balancer in a VPC. 'internetFacing' is 'false'
 // by default, which creates an internal load balancer.
 NetworkLoadBalancer lb = NetworkLoadBalancer.Builder.create(this, "LB")
 // Add a listener on a particular port.
 NetworkListener listener = lb.addListener("Listener", BaseNetworkListenerProps.builder()
 // Add targets on a particular port.
 listener.addTargets("AppFleet", AddNetworkTargetsProps.builder()
  • Method Details

    • getPort

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Number getPort()
      The port on which the target receives traffic.

      Default: Determined from protocol if known

    • getDeregistrationDelay

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Duration getDeregistrationDelay()
      The amount of time for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before deregistering a target.

      The range is 0-3600 seconds.

      Default: Duration.minutes(5)

    • getHealthCheck

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default HealthCheck getHealthCheck()
      Health check configuration.

      Default: - The default value for each property in this configuration varies depending on the target.

      See Also:
    • getPreserveClientIp

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getPreserveClientIp()
      Indicates whether client IP preservation is enabled.

      Default: false if the target group type is IP address and the target group protocol is TCP or TLS. Otherwise, true.

    • getProtocol

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Protocol getProtocol()
      Protocol for target group, expects TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP.

      Default: - inherits the protocol of the listener

    • getProxyProtocolV2

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getProxyProtocolV2()
      Indicates whether Proxy Protocol version 2 is enabled.

      Default: false

    • getTargetGroupName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getTargetGroupName()
      The name of the target group.

      This name must be unique per region per account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen.

      Default: Automatically generated

    • getTargets

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<INetworkLoadBalancerTarget> getTargets()
      The targets to add to this target group.

      Can be Instance, IPAddress, or any self-registering load balancing target. If you use either Instance or IPAddress as targets, all target must be of the same type.

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static AddNetworkTargetsProps.Builder builder()
      a AddNetworkTargetsProps.Builder of AddNetworkTargetsProps