Amazon GameLift Anywhere configuration options.
Amazon GameLift Anywhere configuration options.
Current resource capacity settings for managed EC2 fleets.
A unique identifier for a build to be deployed on the new fleet.
Prompts Amazon GameLift to generate a TLS/SSL certificate for the fleet.
Prompts Amazon GameLift to generate a TLS/SSL certificate for the fleet.
The type of compute resource used to host your game servers.
*This data type is currently not available.
*This data type is currently not available.
CfnFleet.Builder.create(software.constructs.Construct scope,
String id)
A description for the fleet.
The number of EC2 instances that you want this fleet to host.
The IP address ranges and port settings that allow inbound traffic to access game server processes and other processes on this fleet.
The IP address ranges and port settings that allow inbound traffic to access game server processes and other processes on this fleet.
The Amazon GameLift-supported Amazon EC2 instance type to use with EC2 and container fleets.
Indicates whether to use On-Demand or Spot instances for this fleet.
A unique identifier for an IAM role with access permissions to other AWS services.
Indicates that fleet instances maintain a shared credentials file for the IAM role defined in InstanceRoleArn
A set of remote locations to deploy additional instances to and manage as a multi-location fleet.
A set of remote locations to deploy additional instances to and manage as a multi-location fleet.
The maximum number of instances that are allowed in the specified fleet location.
The name of an AWS CloudWatch metric group to add this fleet to.
The minimum number of instances that are allowed in the specified fleet location.
A descriptive label that is associated with a fleet.
The status of termination protection for active game sessions on the fleet.
Used when peering your Amazon GameLift fleet with a VPC, the unique identifier for the AWS account that owns the VPC.
A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet.
A policy that limits the number of game sessions that an individual player can create on instances in this fleet within a specified span of time.
A policy that limits the number of game sessions that an individual player can create on instances in this fleet within a specified span of time.
Instructions for how to launch and maintain server processes on instances in the fleet.
Instructions for how to launch and maintain server processes on instances in the fleet.
Rule that controls how a fleet is scaled.
Rule that controls how a fleet is scaled.
The unique identifier for a Realtime configuration script to be deployed on fleet instances.