Uses of Package
AWS::MediaPackageV2 Construct Library
ClassDescriptionCreates a channel to receive content.A fluent builder for
.The input URL where the source stream should be sent.A builder forCfnChannel.IngestEndpointProperty
Specifies the configuraiton for a MediaPackage V2 channel group.A fluent builder forCfnChannelGroup
.Properties for defining aCfnChannelGroup
.A builder forCfnChannelGroupProps
Specifies the configuration parameters of a MediaPackage V2 channel policy.A fluent builder forCfnChannelPolicy
.Properties for defining aCfnChannelPolicy
.A builder forCfnChannelPolicyProps
Properties for defining aCfnChannel
.A builder forCfnChannelProps
Specifies the configuration parameters for a MediaPackage V2 origin endpoint.A fluent builder forCfnOriginEndpoint
.Retrieve the DASH manifest configuration.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.DashManifestConfigurationProperty
Determines the type of UTC timing included in the DASH Media Presentation Description (MPD).A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.DashUtcTimingProperty
to configure one or more content encryption keys for your endpoints that use SPEKE Version 2.0.The encryption method associated with the origin endpoint.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.EncryptionMethodProperty
A collection of video encryption presets.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.EncryptionProperty
Filter configuration includes settings for manifest filtering, start and end times, and time delay that apply to all of your egress requests for this manifest.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.FilterConfigurationProperty
The failover settings for the endpoint.The HLS manfiest configuration associated with the origin endpoint.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.HlsManifestConfigurationProperty
Specify a low-latency HTTP live streaming (LL-HLS) manifest configuration.The SCTE configuration.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.ScteDashProperty
The SCTE-35 HLS configuration associated with the origin endpoint.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.ScteHlsProperty
The SCTE-35 configuration associated with the origin endpoint.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.ScteProperty
The segment configuration, including the segment name, duration, and other configuration values.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.SegmentProperty
The parameters for the SPEKE key provider.A builder forCfnOriginEndpoint.SpekeKeyProviderProperty
Specifies the configuration parameters of a policy associated with a MediaPackage V2 origin endpoint.A fluent builder forCfnOriginEndpointPolicy
.Properties for defining aCfnOriginEndpointPolicy
.A builder forCfnOriginEndpointPolicyProps
Properties for defining aCfnOriginEndpoint
.A builder forCfnOriginEndpointProps