

CDK Construct Library for Amazon Simple Notification Service Subscriptions

This library provides constructs for adding subscriptions to an Amazon SNS topic. Subscriptions can be added by calling the .addSubscription(...) method on the topic.


Subscriptions can be added to the following endpoints:

  • Amazon SQS
  • AWS Lambda
  • Email
  • SMS

Subscriptions to Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda can be added on topics across regions.

Create an Amazon SNS Topic to add subscriptions.

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "MyTopic");


Add an HTTP or HTTPS Subscription to your topic:

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "MyTopic");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new UrlSubscription(""));

The URL being subscribed can also be tokens, that resolve to a URL during deployment. A typical use case is when the URL is passed in as a CloudFormation parameter. The following code defines a CloudFormation parameter and uses it in a URL subscription.

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "MyTopic");
 CfnParameter url = new CfnParameter(this, "url-param");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new UrlSubscription(url.getValueAsString()));

Amazon SQS

Subscribe a queue to your topic:

 Queue myQueue = new Queue(this, "MyQueue");
 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "MyTopic");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new SqsSubscription(myQueue));

KMS key permissions will automatically be granted to SNS when a subscription is made to an encrypted queue.

Note that subscriptions of queues in different accounts need to be manually confirmed by reading the initial message from the queue and visiting the link found in it.

AWS Lambda

Subscribe an AWS Lambda function to your topic:

 Function myFunction;
 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "myTopic");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new LambdaSubscription(myFunction));


Subscribe an email address to your topic:

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "MyTopic");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new EmailSubscription(""));

The email being subscribed can also be tokens, that resolve to an email address during deployment. A typical use case is when the email address is passed in as a CloudFormation parameter. The following code defines a CloudFormation parameter and uses it in an email subscription.

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "Topic");
 CfnParameter emailAddress = new CfnParameter(this, "email-param");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new EmailSubscription(emailAddress.getValueAsString()));

Note that email subscriptions require confirmation by visiting the link sent to the email address.


Subscribe an sms number to your topic:

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "Topic");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new SmsSubscription("+15551231234"));

The number being subscribed can also be tokens, that resolve to a number during deployment. A typical use case is when the number is passed in as a CloudFormation parameter. The following code defines a CloudFormation parameter and uses it in an sms subscription.

 Topic myTopic = new Topic(this, "Topic");
 CfnParameter smsNumber = new CfnParameter(this, "sms-param");
 myTopic.addSubscription(new SmsSubscription(smsNumber.getValueAsString()));