Validates data against AWS CloudFormation Guard rules to determine success or failure.
cfn-guard validate --data <value> --output-format <value> --rules <value> --show-summary <value> --type <value>
, --alphabetical
Validates files in a directory that is ordered alphabetically.
, --help
Prints help information.
, --last-modified
Validates files in a directory that is ordered by last-modified times.
, --payload
Allows you to provide rules and data in the following JSON format via stdin
{"rules":["<rules 1>", "<rules 2>", ...], "data":["<data 1>", "<data 2>", ...]}
For example:
{"data": ["{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}","{\"Resources\":{\"NewVolume\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":500,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2b\"}},\"NewVolume2\":{\"Type\":\"AWS::EC2::Volume\",\"Properties\":{\"Size\":50,\"Encrypted\":false,\"AvailabilityZone\":\"us-west-2c\"}}},\"Parameters\":{\"InstanceName\":\"TestInstance\"}}"], "rules" : [ "Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"","Parameters.InstanceName == \"TestInstance\"" ]}
For "rules", specify a string list of rules files. For "data", specify a string list of data files.
If you specify the --payload
flag, don't specify the --rules
, --print-json
Prints the output in JSON format.
, --show-clause-failures
Shows clause failure including a summary.
, --version
Prints version information.
, --verbose
Increases the output verbosity. Can be specified multiple times.
, --data
Provides the name of a file or directory for data files in either JSON or YAML format. If you provide a directory, Guard evaluates the specified rules against all data files in the directory. The directory must contain only data files; it cannot contain both data and rules files.
If you specify the --payload
flag, don't specify the --data
, --output-format
Writes to an output file.
Default: single-line-summary
Allowed values: json
| yaml
, --rules
Provides the name of a rules file or a directory of rules files. If you provide a directory, Guard evaluates all rules in the directory against the specified data. The directory must contain only rules files; it cannot contain both data and rules files.
If you specify the --payload
flag, do not specify the --rules
Specifies the verbosity of the Guard rule evaluation summary. If you specify
, Guard displays the full summary. If you specify pass,fail
Guard only displays summary information for rules that passed or failed. If you specify
, Guard does not display summary information. By default,
is specified.
Allowed values: all
| pass,fail
| none
, --type
Provides the format of your input data. When you specify the input data type, Guard
displays the logical names of CloudFormation template resources in the output. By default,
Guard displays property paths and values, such as Property
Allowed values: CFNTemplate
cfn-guard validate \ --data
\ --output-formatyaml
\ --rulesrules.guard
\ --show-summarypass,fail
\ --type CFNtemplate
If Guard successfully validates the templates, the validate
returns an exit status of 0
in bash). If Guard identifies a
rule violation, the validate
command returns a status report of the rules that
failed. Use the verbose flag (-v
) to see the detailed evaluation tree that shows
how Guard evaluated each rule.
Summary Report Overall File Status = PASS PASS/SKIP rules default PASS
See also
Validating input data against Guard rules