Using call detail records - Amazon Chime SDK

Using call detail records

Amazon Chime SDK administrators can configure Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors to store call detail records (CDRs). For more information about configuring Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors to store CDRs, see Managing global settings in Amazon Chime SDK in the Amazon Chime SDK Administration Guide.

Once you enable CDRs, after each call the SIP media application sends the records to a folder named Amazon-Chime-SMADRs in your S3 bucket.

The following table lists the attributes of a CDR, and shows their proper formatting. The records contain all the fields listed here for all calls.

Value Description


The AWS account ID associated with the SIP media application that initiated the PSTN usage


The transaction ID of the call


The call ID of the participant for the associated usage


Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector ID UUID


Status of the call (Completed, Failed)


Billable duration of the call in seconds


The CDR schema version


E.164 origination phone number

"SourcePhoneNumberName":"North Campus Reception" The name assigned to the source phone number


E.164 destination phone number

"DestinationPhoneNumberName":"South Campus Reception" The name assigned to the destination phone number


Usage details of the line item in the Price List API


The code of the service in the Price List API


Direction of the call, Outbound or Inbound


The timestamp of the record in epoch/Unix timestamp format


AWS Region for the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector


The ID of the sip rule that is triggered when a call reaches the PSTN Audio service


The ID of the SIP application that handles a call


The type of event that triggered a call


The billable amount of Voice Focus usage, in seconds