Managing global settings for the Amazon Chime SDK - Amazon Chime SDK

Managing global settings for the Amazon Chime SDK

Manage call detail record settings for the Amazon Chime SDK.

Configuring call detail records

Before you can configure call detail record settings for your Amazon Chime SDK administrative account, you must first create an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. The Amazon S3 bucket is used as the log destination for your call detail records. When you configure your call detail record settings, you grant the Amazon Chime SDK read and write access to the Amazon S3 bucket in order to save and manage your data. For more information about creating an Amazon S3 bucket, see Getting started with Amazon Simple Storage Service in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

You can configure call detail record settings for Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors. For more information about Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors, see Managing phone numbers in Amazon Chime SDK.

To configure call detail record settings
  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket by following the steps at Getting started with Amazon Simple Storage Service in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  2. Open the Amazon Chime SDK console at

  3. In the navigation pane, under SIP Trunking, choose Call detail records.

  4. Open the Log destination list and choose an S3 bucket.

  5. Choose Save.

You can stop logging call detail records at any time.

To stop logging call detail records
  1. Open the Amazon Chime SDK console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under SIP Trunking, choose Call detail records.

  3. Choose Disable logging.

Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector call detail records

When you choose to receive call detail records for your Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector, they are sent to your Amazon S3 bucket. The following example shows the general format of an Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector call detail record name.


The following example shows the data that is represented in the call detail record name.


The following example shows the general format of an Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector call detail record.

{ "AwsAccountId": "111122223333", "TransactionId": "123abc4d-efg5-6789-h012-j3456789k012", "CallId": "123a4b567890123c456789012d3456e7@", "VoiceConnectorId": "abcdef1ghij2klmno3pqr4", "Status": "Completed", "StatusMessage": "OK", "SipAuthUser": "XXXX", "BillableDurationSeconds": 6, "BillableDurationMinutes": 0.1, "SchemaVersion": "2.0", "SourcePhoneNumber": "+12065550100", "SourcePhoneNumberName": "North Campus Reception", "SourceCountry": "US", "DestinationPhoneNumber": "+12065550101", "DestinationPhoneNumberName": "South Campus Reception", "DestinationCountry": "US", "UsageType": "USE1-US-US-outbound-minutes", "ServiceCode": "AmazonChimeVoiceConnector", "Direction": "Outbound", "StartTimeEpochSeconds": 1565399625, "EndTimeEpochSeconds": 1565399629, "Region": "us-east-1", "Streaming": true }

Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector streaming detail records

When you choose to receive call detail records for your Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector, and you stream media to Kinesis Video Streams or send SIPREC requests, streaming detail records are sent to your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Streaming Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector media to Kinesis.

The following example shows the general format of a streaming detail record name.


The following example shows the data that is represented in the streaming detail record name.


The following example shows the general format of a streaming detail record.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "AwsAccountId": "111122223333", "TransactionId": "123abc4d-efg5-6789-h012-j3456789k012", "CallId": "123a4b567890123c456789012d3456e7@", "VoiceConnectorId": "abcdef1ghij2klmno3pqr4", "StartTimeEpochSeconds": 1565399625, "EndTimeEpochSeconds": 1565399629, "Status": "Completed", "StatusMessage": "Streaming succeeded", "ServiceCode": "AmazonChime", "UsageType": "USE1-VC-kinesis-audio-streaming", "BillableDurationSeconds": 6, "Region": "us-east-1" }