SpeakAndGetDigits - Amazon Chime SDK


Play speech by providing text and gather dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) digits from the user. The text can either be plain text or Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML)-enhanced text to provide more control over how the Amazon Chime SDK generates speech by adding pauses, emphasizing certain words, or changing the speaking style, among other supported SSML features. If a failure occurs, such as a user not entering the correct number of DTMF digits, the action plays the "failure" speech and then replays the main speech until the SIP media application exhausts the number of attempts defined in the Repeat parameter.

The Amazon Chime SDK uses Amazon Polly, a cloud service that converts text into lifelike speech, Amazon Polly provides both a standard and a neural engine for improved speech quality, more than 20 supported languages, and 60 voices. Amazon Polly provides speech features at no charge, but you do pay for using Amazon Polly. See the Amazon Polly pricing page or your billing dashboard for pricing information.


Use of Amazon Polly is subject to the AWS Service Terms , including the terms specific to the AWS Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Services.

Using the SpeakAndGetDigits action

The following example shows a typical use of the SpeakAndGetDigits action:

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Actions":[ { "Type": "SpeakAndGetDigits", "Parameters": { "CallId": "call-id-1", // required "InputDigitsRegex": "^\d{2}#$", // optional "SpeechParameters": { "Text": "Hello World", // required "Engine": "neural", // optional. Defaults to standard "LanguageCode": "en-US", // optional "TextType": "text", // optional "VoiceId": "Joanna" // optional. Defaults to Joanna }, "FailureSpeechParameters": { "Text": "Hello World", // required "Engine": "neural", // optional. Defaults to the Engine value in SpeechParameters "LanguageCode": "en-US", // optional. Defaults to the LanguageCode value in SpeechParameters "TextType": "text", // optional. Defaults to the TextType value in SpeechParameters "VoiceId": "Joanna" // optional. Defaults to the VoiceId value in SpeechParameters }, "MinNumberOfDigits": 3, // optional "MaxNumberOfDigits": 5, // optional "TerminatorDigits": ["#"], // optional "InBetweenDigitsDurationInMilliseconds": 5000, // optional "Repeat": 3, // optional "RepeatDurationInMilliseconds": 10000 // required } } ] }

Description – The CallId of participant in the CallDetails of the Lambda function invocation.

Allowed values – A valid callID

Required – Yes

Default value – No


Description – A regular expression pattern to help ensure that users enter the correct digits and letters.

Allowed values – A valid regular expression pattern

Required – No

Default value – None


Description – Specifies the engine – standard or neural – to use when processing text for speech synthesis.

Allowed valuesstandard | neural

Required – No

Default value – Standard


Description – Specifies the language code. This is only necessary if using a bilingual voice. If a bilingual voice is used and no language code is specified, the bilingual voice's default language is used.

Allowed values Amazon Polly language codes

Required – No

Default value – None


Description – Specifies the input text. If you specify ssml as the SpeechParameters.TextType, you must follow the SSML format for the input text. For more information about SSML, see Generating Speech from SSML Documents in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.

Allowed values – String

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – Specifies the text format for SpeechParameters.Text. If not specified, text is used by default. For more information about SSML, see Generating Speech from SSML Documents in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.

Allowed valuesssml | text

Required – No

Default valuetext


Description – The ID of the Amazon Polly voice used to speak the text in SpeechParameters.Text.

Allowed valuesAmazon Polly voice IDs

Required – No

Default value – Joanna


Description – Specifies the engine – standard or neural – to use when processing the failure message used when the customer enters an invalid response for speech synthesis.

Allowed valuesstandard | neural

Required – No

Default value – The SpeechParameters.Engine value


Description – Specifies the language code used when the customer enters an invalid response. Only necessary when using a bilingual voice. If you use bilingual voice without specifying a language code, the bilingual voice's default language is used.

Allowed values Amazon Polly language codes

Required – No

Default value – The SpeechParameters.LanguageCode value.


Description – Specifies the input text spoken when the customer enters an invalid response. If you specify ssml as the FailureSpeechParameters.TextType, you must follow the SSML format for the input text.

Allowed values – String

Required – Yes

Default value – None


Description – Specifies whether the input text specified in FailureSpeechParameters.Text is plain text or SSML. The default value is plain text. For more information, see Generating Speech from SSML Documents in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.

Allowed valuesssml | text

Required – No

Default value – The SpeechParameters.Text value


Description – The ID for the voice used to speak the string in FailureSpeechParameters.Text.

Allowed valuesAmazon Polly voice IDs

Required – Yes

Default value – The SpeechParameters.VoiceId value


Description – The minimum number of digits to capture before timing out or playing the "call failed" message.

Allowed values – Greater than or equal to zero

Required – No

Default value – 0


Description – The maximum number of digits to capture before stopping without a terminating digit.

Allowed values – Greater than MinNumberOfDigits

Required – No

Default value – 128


Description – Digit used to end input if the user enters less than the MaxNumberOfDigits

Allowed values – Any one of: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # or *

Required – No

Default value – #


Description – The wait time in milliseconds between digit inputs before playing the failure speech.

Allowed values – Greater than zero

Required – No

Default value – If not specified, defaults to the RepeatDurationInMilliseconds value


Description – Total number of attempts to get digits. If you omit this parameter, the default is one attempt to collect digits.

Allowed values – Greater than zero

Required – No

Default value – 1


Description – Timeout in milliseconds for each attempt to get digits.

Allowed values – Greater than zero

Required – Yes

Default value – None


The following example shows a typical ACTION_SUCCESSFUL event.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence": 3, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_SUCCESSFUL", "ActionData": { "Type": "SpeakAndGetDigits", "Parameters": { "CallId": "call-id-1", "InputDigitsRegex": "^\d{2}#$", "SpeechParameters": { "Engine": "neural", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Text": "Hello World", "TextType": "text", "VoiceId": "Joanna" }, "FailureSpeechParameters": { "Engine": "neural", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Text": "Hello World", "TextType": "text", "VoiceId": "Joanna" }, "MinNumberOfDigits": 3, "MaxNumberOfDigits": 5, "TerminatorDigits": ["#"], "InBetweenDigitsDurationInMilliseconds": 5000, "Repeat": 3, "RepeatDurationInMilliseconds": 10000 }, "ReceivedDigits": "1234" }, "CallDetails":{ ... } }

Handling ACTION_FAILED events

The following example shows a typical ACTION_FAILED event.

{ "SchemaVersion": "1.0", "Sequence":2, "InvocationEventType": "ACTION_FAILED", "ActionData":{ "Type": "SpeakAndGetDigits", "Parameters": { "CallId": "call-id-1", "InputDigitsRegex": "^\d{2}#$", "SpeechParameters": { "Engine": "neural", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Text": "Hello World", "TextType": "text", "VoiceId": "Joanna" }, "FailureSpeechParameters": { "Engine": "neural", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Text": "Hello World", "TextType": "text", "VoiceId": "Joanna" }, "MinNumberOfDigits": 3, "MaxNumberOfDigits": 5, "TerminatorDigits": ["#"], "InBetweenDigitsDurationInMilliseconds": 5000, "Repeat": 3, "RepeatDurationInMilliseconds": 10000 }, "ErrorType": "SystemException", "ErrorMessage": "System error while running action" }, "CallDetails":{ ... } }
Error handling

This table lists and describes the error messages thrown by the the Speak action.

Error Message Reason


The AWSServiceRoleForAmazonChimeVoiceConnector role is not configured correctly.

The role used to make requests to Amazon Polly doesn't exist or is missing permissions. To resolve, see the steps in the Using the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service-linked role section



There was an error validating the action parameters. To review the available parameters for this action, and their options, see SynthesizeSpeech in the Amazon Polly Developer Guide.


Text is a required parameter.

The action parameters must have a Text value


Text is limited to 1,000 characters

The text exceeded the character limit.


System error while running action.

A system error occurred while running the action.

Using the Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector service-linked role

You don't need to manually create a service-linked role for the Speak or SpeakAndGetDigits actions. When you create or update a SIP media application in the Amazon Chime SDK console, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS API, the Amazon Chime SDK creates the service-linked role for you.

For more information, see Using the Amazon Chime service-linked role in the Amazon Chime SDK Administrator Guide.