Synthesizes UTF-8 input, plain text or SSML, to a stream of bytes. SSML input must be valid, well-formed SSML. Some alphabets might not be available with all the voices (for example, Cyrillic might not be read at all by English voices) unless phoneme mapping is used. For more information, see How it Works.
Request Syntax
POST /v1/speech HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json
"Engine": "string
"LanguageCode": "string
"LexiconNames": [ "string
" ],
"OutputFormat": "string
"SampleRate": "string
"SpeechMarkTypes": [ "string
" ],
"Text": "string
"TextType": "string
"VoiceId": "string
URI Request Parameters
The request does not use any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- Engine
Specifies the engine (
, orgenerative
) for Amazon Polly to use when processing input text for speech synthesis. Provide an engine that is supported by the voice you select. If you don't provide an engine, the standard engine is selected by default. If a chosen voice isn't supported by the standard engine, this will result in an error. For information on Amazon Polly voices and which voices are available for each engine, see Available Voices.Type: String
Valid Values:
Required: Yes
Type: String
Valid Values:
standard | neural | long-form | generative
Required: No
- LanguageCode
Optional language code for the Synthesize Speech request. This is only necessary if using a bilingual voice, such as Aditi, which can be used for either Indian English (en-IN) or Hindi (hi-IN).
If a bilingual voice is used and no language code is specified, Amazon Polly uses the default language of the bilingual voice. The default language for any voice is the one returned by the DescribeVoices operation for the
parameter. For example, if no language code is specified, Aditi will use Indian English rather than Hindi.Type: String
Valid Values:
arb | cmn-CN | cy-GB | da-DK | de-DE | en-AU | en-GB | en-GB-WLS | en-IN | en-US | es-ES | es-MX | es-US | fr-CA | fr-FR | is-IS | it-IT | ja-JP | hi-IN | ko-KR | nb-NO | nl-NL | pl-PL | pt-BR | pt-PT | ro-RO | ru-RU | sv-SE | tr-TR | en-NZ | en-ZA | ca-ES | de-AT | yue-CN | ar-AE | fi-FI | en-IE | nl-BE | fr-BE
Required: No
- LexiconNames
List of one or more pronunciation lexicon names you want the service to apply during synthesis. Lexicons are applied only if the language of the lexicon is the same as the language of the voice. For information about storing lexicons, see PutLexicon.
Type: Array of strings
Array Members: Maximum number of 5 items.
Required: No
- OutputFormat
The format in which the returned output will be encoded. For audio stream, this will be mp3, ogg_vorbis, or pcm. For speech marks, this will be json.
When pcm is used, the content returned is audio/pcm in a signed 16-bit, 1 channel (mono), little-endian format.
Type: String
Valid Values:
json | mp3 | ogg_vorbis | pcm
Required: Yes
- SampleRate
The audio frequency specified in Hz.
The valid values for mp3 and ogg_vorbis are "8000", "16000", "22050", and "24000". The default value for standard voices is "22050". The default value for neural voices is "24000". The default value for long-form voices is "24000". The default value for generative voices is "24000".
Valid values for pcm are "8000" and "16000" The default value is "16000".
Type: String
Required: No
- SpeechMarkTypes
The type of speech marks returned for the input text.
Type: Array of strings
Array Members: Maximum number of 4 items.
Valid Values:
sentence | ssml | viseme | word
Required: No
- Text
Input text to synthesize. If you specify
as theTextType
, follow the SSML format for the input text.Type: String
Required: Yes
- TextType
Specifies whether the input text is plain text or SSML. The default value is plain text. For more information, see Using SSML.
Type: String
Valid Values:
ssml | text
Required: No
- VoiceId
Voice ID to use for the synthesis. You can get a list of available voice IDs by calling the DescribeVoices operation.
Type: String
Valid Values:
Aditi | Amy | Astrid | Bianca | Brian | Camila | Carla | Carmen | Celine | Chantal | Conchita | Cristiano | Dora | Emma | Enrique | Ewa | Filiz | Gabrielle | Geraint | Giorgio | Gwyneth | Hans | Ines | Ivy | Jacek | Jan | Joanna | Joey | Justin | Karl | Kendra | Kevin | Kimberly | Lea | Liv | Lotte | Lucia | Lupe | Mads | Maja | Marlene | Mathieu | Matthew | Maxim | Mia | Miguel | Mizuki | Naja | Nicole | Olivia | Penelope | Raveena | Ricardo | Ruben | Russell | Salli | Seoyeon | Takumi | Tatyana | Vicki | Vitoria | Zeina | Zhiyu | Aria | Ayanda | Arlet | Hannah | Arthur | Daniel | Liam | Pedro | Kajal | Hiujin | Laura | Elin | Ida | Suvi | Ola | Hala | Andres | Sergio | Remi | Adriano | Thiago | Ruth | Stephen | Kazuha | Tomoko | Niamh | Sofie | Lisa | Isabelle | Zayd | Danielle | Gregory | Burcu
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: ContentType
x-amzn-RequestCharacters: RequestCharacters
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The response returns the following HTTP headers.
- ContentType
Specifies the type audio stream. This should reflect the
parameter in your request.-
If you request
as theOutputFormat
, theContentType
returned is audio/mpeg. -
If you request
as theOutputFormat
, theContentType
returned is audio/ogg. -
If you request
as theOutputFormat
, theContentType
returned is audio/pcm in a signed 16-bit, 1 channel (mono), little-endian format. -
If you request
as theOutputFormat
, theContentType
returned is application/x-json-stream.
- RequestCharacters
Number of characters synthesized.
The response returns the following as the HTTP body.
- AudioStream
Stream containing the synthesized speech.
- EngineNotSupportedException
This engine is not compatible with the voice that you have designated. Choose a new voice that is compatible with the engine or change the engine and restart the operation.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidSampleRateException
The specified sample rate is not valid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InvalidSsmlException
The SSML you provided is invalid. Verify the SSML syntax, spelling of tags and values, and then try again.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- LanguageNotSupportedException
The language specified is not currently supported by Amazon Polly in this capacity.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- LexiconNotFoundException
Amazon Polly can't find the specified lexicon. This could be caused by a lexicon that is missing, its name is misspelled or specifying a lexicon that is in a different region.
Verify that the lexicon exists, is in the region (see ListLexicons) and that you spelled its name is spelled correctly. Then try again.
HTTP Status Code: 404
- MarksNotSupportedForFormatException
Speech marks are not supported for the
selected. Speech marks are only available for content injson
format.HTTP Status Code: 400
- ServiceFailureException
An unknown condition has caused a service failure.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- SsmlMarksNotSupportedForTextTypeException
SSML speech marks are not supported for plain text-type input.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- TextLengthExceededException
The value of the "Text" parameter is longer than the accepted limits. For the
API, the limit for input text is a maximum of 6000 characters total, of which no more than 3000 can be billed characters. For theStartSpeechSynthesisTask
API, the maximum is 200,000 characters, of which no more than 100,000 can be billed characters. SSML tags are not counted as billed characters.HTTP Status Code: 400
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: