Admitting or denying anonymous users - Amazon Chime

Admitting or denying anonymous users

Meeting hosts, moderators, delegates, and authorized attendees can admit anonymous users or prevent them from attending.

You're an authorized attendee when:

  • You use your Amazon Chime credentials to sign in to the meeting.


    You belong to the same Amazon Chime account as the meeting organizer.

The following sets of steps explain how to do both tasks.

To admit an attendee from the Waiting Room
  • In the Waiting Room section of the Attendees panel, select the checkmark next to the attendee that you want to admit.


    To admit everyone in the Waiting Room, select the checkmark under Apply to all.

To deny an attendee in the Waiting Room
  • In the Waiting Room section of the Attendees panel, select the X next to the attendee that you want to deny.


    To deny admission to everyone in the Waiting Room, select the X under Apply to all.