Column types in Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms - AWS Clean Rooms

Column types in Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms

This topic provides information about column types in Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms.

Fingerprint columns

Fingerprint columns are columns that are protected cryptographically for use in JOIN statements.

Data from fingerprint columns can't be decrypted. Only data from sealed columns can be decrypted.

Fingerprint columns must only be used in the following SQL clauses and functions:

  • JOIN (INNER, OUTER, LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL) against other fingerprint columns:

    • If the value of the allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNames parameter is set to false, both fingerprint columns of the JOIN must also have the same name.



  • GROUP BY (Only use if the collaboration has set the value of the preserveNulls parameter to true.)

Queries that violate these constraints might yield incorrect results.

Sealed columns

Sealed columns are columns that are protected cryptographically for use in SELECT statements.

Sealed columns must only be used in the following SQL clauses and functions:


  • SELECT ... AS



    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ) is not supported.

Queries that violate these constraints might yield incorrect results.

Padding data for a sealed column before encryption

When you specify that a column should be a sealed column, C3R asks you what kind of padding to choose. Padding data before encryption is optional. Without padding (a pad type of none), the encrypted data’s length indicates the size of the cleartext. In some circumstances, the size of the cleartext could expose the plaintext. With padding (a pad type of fixed or max), all values are first padded to a common size and then encrypted. With padding, the length of the encrypted data provides no information about the original cleartext length, other than giving an upper bound on its size.

If you want padding for a column and the maximal byte length of data in that column is known, use fixed padding. Use a length value that is at least as large as the byte-length of the longest value in that column.


An error occurs and encryption fails if a value is longer than the provided length.

If you want padding for a column and the maximal byte length of data in that column isn't known, use max padding. This padding mode pads all data to the length of the longest value plus additional length bytes.


You might want to encrypt data in batches, or update your tables with new data periodically. Be aware that max padding will pad entries to the length (plus length byte) of the longest plaintext entry in a given batch. This means that the ciphertext length may vary from batch to batch. Therefore, if you know the maximum byte-length for a column, then you should use fixed instead of max.

Cleartext columns

Cleartext columns are columns that aren't protected cryptographically for use in JOIN or SELECT statements.

Cleartext columns can be used in any part of the SQL query.