Step 6: Store the shared secret key in an environment variable - AWS Clean Rooms

Step 6: Store the shared secret key in an environment variable

An environment variable is a convenient and extensible way for users to provide a secret key from various key stores like AWS Secrets Manager and pass it to the C3R encryption client.

The C3R encryption client can use keys stored in AWS services if you use the AWS CLI to store those keys in the relevant environment variable. For example, the C3R encryption client can use a key from AWS Secrets Manager. For more information, see Create and manage secrets with AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.


However, before you use an AWS service such as AWS Secrets Manager to hold your C3R keys, verify that your use case permits it. Certain use cases might require that the key be withheld from AWS. This is to ensure that the encrypted data and the key are never held by the same third party.

The only requirements for a shared secret key are that the shared secret key is base64-encoded and stored in the environment variable C3R_SHARED_SECRET.

The following sections describe the console commands for converting a secret.key file to base64 and storing it as an environment variable. The secret.key file could have been generated from any of the commands listed in Step 5: Create a shared secret key and is only an example source.

Store key in an environment variable on Windows using PowerShell

To convert to base64 and set the environment variable on Windows using PowerShell, run the following command.

$Bytes=[IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((Get-Location).ToString()+'\secret.key'); $env:C3R_SHARED_SECRET=[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)

Store key in an environment variable on Linux or macOS

To convert to base64 and set the environment variable on Linux or macOS, run the following command.

export C3R_SHARED_SECRET="$(cat secret.key | base64)"