Importing keys - AWS CloudHSM

Importing keys

To import secret keys—that is, symmetric keys and asymmetric private keys—into the HSM, you must first create a wrapping key on the HSM. You can import public keys directly without a wrapping key.

Import secret keys

Complete the following steps to import a secret key. Before you import a secret key, save it to a file. Save symmetric keys as raw bytes, and asymmetric private keys in PEM format.

This example shows how to import a plaintext secret key from a file into the HSM. To import an encrypted key from a file into the HSM, use the unWrapKey command.

To import a secret key
  1. Use the genSymKey command to create a wrapping key. The following command creates a 128-bit AES wrapping key that is valid only for the current session. You can use a session key or a persistent key as a wrapping key.

    Command: genSymKey -t 31 -s 16 -sess -l import-wrapping-key Cfm3GenerateSymmetricKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Symmetric Key Created. Key Handle: 524299 Cluster Error Status Node id 2 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
  2. Use one of the following commands, depending on the type of secret key that you are importing.

    • To import a symmetric key, use the imSymKey command. The following command imports an AES key from a file named aes256.key using the wrapping key created in the previous step. To see all available options, use the imSymKey -h command.

      Command: imSymKey -f aes256.key -t 31 -l aes256-imported -w 524299 Cfm3WrapHostKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3CreateUnwrapTemplate returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3UnWrapKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Symmetric Key Unwrapped. Key Handle: 524300 Cluster Error Status Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 2 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
    • To import an asymmetric private key, use the importPrivateKey command. The following command imports a private key from a file named rsa2048.key using the wrapping key created in the previous step. To see all available options, use the importPrivateKey -h command.

      Command: importPrivateKey -f rsa2048.key -l rsa2048-imported -w 524299 BER encoded key length is 1216 Cfm3WrapHostKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3CreateUnwrapTemplate returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3UnWrapKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Private Key Unwrapped. Key Handle: 524301 Cluster Error Status Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 2 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

Import public keys

Use the importPubKey command to import a public key. To see all available options, use the importPubKey -h command.

The following example imports an RSA public key from a file named

Command: importPubKey -f -l rsa2048-public-imported Cfm3CreatePublicKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Public Key Handle: 524302 Cluster Error Status Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 2 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS