Client SDK 3: Verify HSM performance with the pkpspeed tool - AWS CloudHSM

Client SDK 3: Verify HSM performance with the pkpspeed tool

This topic describes how to verify HSM performance with Client SDK 3.

To verify the performance of the HSMs in your AWS CloudHSM cluster, you can use the pkpspeed (Linux) or pkpspeed_blocking (Windows) tool that is included with Client SDK 3. The pkpspeed tool executes under ideal conditions and directly calls the HSM to execute operations without going through an SDK such as PKCS11. We recommend load testing your application independently to determine your scaling needs. We do not recommend running the following tests: Random (I), ModExp (R), and EC point mul (Y).

For more information about installing the client on a Linux EC2 instance, see Install and configure the AWS CloudHSM client (Linux). For more information about installing the client on a Windows instance, see Install and configure the AWS CloudHSM client (Windows).

After you install and configure the AWS CloudHSM client, run the following command to start it.

Amazon Linux
$ sudo start cloudhsm-client
Amazon Linux 2
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
CentOS 7
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
CentOS 8
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
$ sudo service cloudhsm-client start
  • For Windows client 1.1.2+:

    C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>net.exe start AWSCloudHSMClient
  • For Windows clients 1.1.1 and older:

    C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>start "cloudhsm_client" cloudhsm_client.exe C:\ProgramData\Amazon\CloudHSM\data\cloudhsm_client.cfg

If you have already installed the client software, you might need to download and install the latest version to get pkpspeed. You can find the pkpspeed tool at /opt/cloudhsm/bin/pkpspeed in Linux or C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\ in Windows.

To use pkpspeed, run the pkpspeed command or pkpspeed_blocking.exe, specifying the user name and password of a crypto user (CU) on the HSM. Then set the options to use while considering the following recommendations.

Test recommendations

  • To test the performance of RSA sign and verify operations, choose the RSA_CRT cipher in Linux or option B in Windows. Don't choose RSA (option A in Windows). The ciphers are equivalent, but RSA_CRT is optimized for performance.

  • Start with a small number of threads. For testing AES performance, one thread is typically enough to show maximum performance. For testing RSA performance(RSA_CRT), three or four threads is typically enough.

Configurable options for the pkpspeed tool

  • FIPS Mode: AWS CloudHSM is always in FIPS mode (See AWS CloudHSM FAQs for details). This can be verified by using the CLI tools as documented in the AWS CloudHSM User Guide and running the getHSMInfo command which will indicate the FIPS mode status.

  • Test type (blocking versus non-blocking): This specifies how operations are performed in a threaded manner. You will most likely get better numbers using non-blocking. This is because they utilize threads and concurrency.

  • Number of threads: Number of threads to run the test with.

  • Time in seconds to run the test (max = 600): pkpspeed produces results measured in "OPERATIONS/second" and reports this value for each second that the test is run. For example, if the test is run for 5 seconds the output may look like the following sample values:

    • OPERATIONS/second 821/1

    • OPERATIONS/second 833/1

    • OPERATIONS/second 845/1

    • OPERATIONS/second 835/1

    • OPERATIONS/second 837/1

Tests that can be ran with the pkpspeed tool

  • AES GCM: Tests AES GCM mode encryption.

  • Basic 3DES CBC: Tests 3DES CBC mode encryption. See note 1 below for an upcoming change.

  • Basic AES: Tests AES CBC/ECB encryption.

  • Digest: Tests hash digest.

  • ECDSA Sign: Tests ECDSA sign.

  • ECDSA Verify: Tests ECDSA verify.

  • FIPS Random: Tests generation of a FIPS-compliant random number (Note: this can only be used in blocking mode).

  • HMAC: Tests HMAC.

  • Random: This test is not relevant because we are using FIPS 140-2 HSM’s.

  • RSA non-CRT versus RSA_CRT: Tests RSA sign and verify operations.

  • RSA OAEP Enc: Tests RSA OAEP encryption.

  • RSA OAEP Dec: Tests RSA OAEP decryption.

  • RSA private dec non-CRT: Tests RSA Private key encryption (non-optimized).

  • RSA private key dec CRT: Tests RSA Private key encryption (optimized).

  • RSA PSS Sign: Tests RSA PSS sign.

  • RSA PSS Verify: Tests RSA PSS verify.

  • RSA public key enc: Tests RSA Public key encryption.

RSA public key encryption, RSA private decryption non-CRT, and RSA private key decryption CRT will also prompt the user to answer the following:

Do you want to use static key [y/n]

If y is entered, a pre-computed key is imported into the HSM.

If n is entered, a new key is generated.

[1] In accordance with NIST guidance, this is disallowed for clusters in FIPS mode after 2023. For clusters in non-FIPS mode, it is still allowed after 2023. See FIPS 140 Compliance: 2024 Mechanism Deprecation for details.


The following examples show the options that you can choose with pkpspeed (Linux) or pkpspeed_blocking (Windows) to test the HSM's performance for RSA and AES operations.

Example – Using pkpspeed to test RSA performance

You can run this example on Windows, Linux, and compatible operating systems.


Use these instructions for Linux and compatible operating systems.

/opt/cloudhsm/bin/pkpspeed -s CU user name -p password SDK Version: 2.03 Available Ciphers: AES_128 AES_256 3DES RSA (non-CRT. modulus size can be 2048/3072) RSA_CRT (same as RSA) For RSA, Exponent will be 65537 Current FIPS mode is: 00002 Enter the number of thread [1-10]: 3 Enter the cipher: RSA_CRT Enter modulus length: 2048 Enter time duration in Secs: 60 Starting non-blocking speed test using data length of 245 bytes... [Test duration is 60 seconds] Do you want to use static key[y/n] (Make sure that KEK is available)?n
c:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>pkpspeed_blocking.exe -s CU user name -p password Please select the test you want to run RSA non-CRT------------------->A RSA CRT----------------------->B Basic 3DES CBC---------------->C Basic AES--------------------->D FIPS Random------------------->H Random------------------------>I AES GCM ---------------------->K eXit------------------------>X B Running 4 threads for 25 sec Enter mod size(2048/3072):2048 Do you want to use Token key[y/n]n Do you want to use static key[y/n] (Make sure that KEK is available)? n OPERATIONS/second 821/1 OPERATIONS/second 833/1 OPERATIONS/second 845/1 OPERATIONS/second 835/1 OPERATIONS/second 837/1 OPERATIONS/second 836/1 OPERATIONS/second 837/1 OPERATIONS/second 849/1 OPERATIONS/second 841/1 OPERATIONS/second 856/1 OPERATIONS/second 841/1 OPERATIONS/second 847/1 OPERATIONS/second 838/1 OPERATIONS/second 843/1 OPERATIONS/second 852/1 OPERATIONS/second 837/
Example – Using pkpspeed to test AES performance

Use these instructions for Linux and compatible operating systems.

/opt/cloudhsm/bin/pkpspeed -s <CU user name> -p <password> SDK Version: 2.03 Available Ciphers: AES_128 AES_256 3DES RSA (non-CRT. modulus size can be 2048/3072) RSA_CRT (same as RSA) For RSA, Exponent will be 65537 Current FIPS mode is: 00000002 Enter the number of thread [1-10]: 1 Enter the cipher: AES_256 Enter the data size [1-16200]: 8192 Enter time duration in Secs: 60 Starting non-blocking speed test using data length of 8192 bytes...
c:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM>pkpspeed_blocking.exe -s CU user name -p password login as USER Initializing Cfm2 library SDK Version: 2.03 Current FIPS mode is: 00000002 Please enter the number of threads [MAX=400] : 1 Please enter the time in seconds to run the test [MAX=600]: 20 Please select the test you want to run RSA non-CRT------------------->A RSA CRT----------------------->B Basic 3DES CBC---------------->C Basic AES--------------------->D FIPS Random------------------->H Random------------------------>I AES GCM ---------------------->K eXit------------------------>X D Running 1 threads for 20 sec Enter the key size(128/192/256):256 Enter the size of the packet in bytes[1-16200]:8192 OPERATIONS/second 9/1 OPERATIONS/second 10/1 OPERATIONS/second 11/1 OPERATIONS/second 10/1 OPERATIONS/second 10/1 OPERATIONS/second 10/...