What is AWS CloudShell?
AWS CloudShell is a browser-based, pre-authenticated shell that you can launch directly from the AWS Management Console. You can navigate to CloudShell from the AWS Management Console a few different ways. For more information, see How to get started with AWS CloudShell?
You can run AWS CLI commands using your preferred shell, such as Bash, PowerShell, or Z shell. And you can do this without downloading or installing command line tools.

When you launch AWS CloudShell, a compute environment that's based on Amazon Linux 2023 is created. Within this environment, you can access an extensive range of pre-installed development tools, options for uploading and downloading files, and file storage that persists between sessions. You can use CloudShell in the most recent versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari browsers.
(Try it now: Getting started with AWS CloudShell)
Features of AWS CloudShell
AWS CloudShell provides the following features:
AWS Command Line Interface
You can launch AWS CloudShell from the AWS Management Console. The AWS credentials that you used to sign in to the console are automatically available in a new shell session. Because AWS CloudShell users are pre-authenticated, you don't need to configure credentials when interacting with AWS services using AWS CLI version 2. The AWS CLI is pre-installed on the shell's compute environment.
For more information about interacting with AWS services using the command line interface, see Manage AWS services from CLI in CloudShell.
Shells and development tools
With the shell that's created for AWS CloudShell sessions, you can switch seamlessly between your preferred command line shells. More specifically, you can switch between Bash, PowerShell, and Z shell. You also have access to pre-installed tools and utilities. These include git, make, pip, sudo, tar, tmux, vim, wget, and zip.
The shell environment is pre-configured with support for several leading major software languages, such as Node.js and Python. This means that, for example, you can run Node.js and Python projects without first performing runtime installations. PowerShell users can use the .NET Core runtime.
For more information, see AWS CloudShell compute environment: specifications and software.
Persistent storage
With AWS CloudShell, you can use up to 1 GB of persistent storage in each AWS Region at no
additional cost. Persistent storage is located in your home directory
) and is private to you. Unlike ephemeral environment resources that
are recycled after each shell session ends, data in your home directory persists between
For more information about the retention of data in persistent storage, see Persistent storage.
CloudShell VPC environments do not have persistent storage. The $HOME directory is deleted when your VPC environment times out (after 20-30 minutes of inactivity), or when you delete or restart your environment.
CloudShell VPC environments
AWS CloudShell virtual private cloud (VPC) enables you to create a CloudShell environment in your VPC. For each VPC environment, you can assign a VPC, add a subnet, and associate one or more security groups. AWS CloudShell inherits the network configuration of the VPC and enables you to use AWS CloudShell securely within the same subnet as other resources in the VPC.
The AWS CloudShell environment and its users are protected by specific security features. This includes such features as IAM permissions management, shell session restrictions, and Safe Paste for text input.
Permissions management with IAM
As administrator, you can grant and deny permissions to AWS CloudShell users using IAM policies. You can also create policies that specify the particular actions that users can perform with the shell environment. For more information, see Managing AWS CloudShell access and usage with IAM policies.
Shell session management
Inactive and long-running sessions are automatically stopped and recycled. For more information, see Shell sessions.
Safe Paste for text input
Safe Paste is enabled by default. This security feature requires that you verify that the multiline text that you want to paste into the shell doesn't contain malicious scripts. For more information, see Using Safe Paste for multiline text.
Customization options
You can customize your AWS CloudShell experience to your exact preference. For example, you can change the screen layouts (multiple tabs), displayed text sizes, and toggle between the light and dark interface themes. For more information, see Customizing your AWS CloudShell experience.
You can also extend your shell environment by installing your own software and modifying your shell with scripts.
Session restore
The session restore functionality restores sessions that you were running across single or multiple browser tabs in the CloudShell terminal. If you refresh or reopen recently closed browser tabs, this functionality resumes the session until the shell is stopped because of inactive session. To continue using your CloudShell session, press any key within the terminal window. For more information about Shell sessions, see Shell sessions.
Session restore also restores the latest terminal output and running processes in each terminal tabs.
Session restore isn't available in mobile applications.
How to get started with AWS CloudShell?
To start working with the shell, sign in to the AWS Management Console and choose one of the following options:
On the navigation bar, choose the CloudShell icon.
In the Search box, type “CloudShell”, and then choose CloudShell.
This step opens your CloudShell session to a full screen.
In the Recently visited widget, choose CloudShell.
This step opens your CloudShell session to a full screen.
Choose CloudShell on the Console Toolbar, on the lower left of the console. You can adjust the height of your CloudShell session by dragging
.You can also switch your CloudShell session to a full screen by clicking Open in new browser tab.
For instructions on how to sign in to the AWS Management Console and performing key tasks with AWS CloudShell, see Getting started with AWS CloudShell.
Pricing for AWS CloudShell
AWS CloudShell is an AWS service that's available at no additional charge. However, you pay for
other AWS resources that you run with AWS CloudShell. Moreover, standard data transfer rates
For more information, see Service quotas and restrictions for AWS CloudShell.