Configure and use Cargo with CodeArtifact - CodeArtifact

Configure and use Cargo with CodeArtifact

You can use Cargo to publish and download crates from CodeArtifact repositories or to fetch crates from, the Rust community's crate registry. This topic describes how to configure Cargo to authenticate with and use a CodeArtifact repository.

Configure Cargo with CodeArtifact

To use Cargo to install and publish crates from AWS CodeArtifact, you'll first need to configure them with your CodeArtifact repository information. Follow the steps in one of the following procedure to configure Cargo with your CodeArtifact repository endpoint information and credentials.

Configure Cargo using the console instructions

You can use configuration instructions in the console to connect Cargo to your CodeArtifact repository. The console instructions provide a Cargo configuration customized for your CodeArtifact repository. You can use this custom configuration to set up Cargo without needing to find and fill in your CodeArtifact information.

  1. Open the AWS CodeArtifact console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Repositories, and then choose a repository to connect to Cargo.

  3. Choose View connection instructions.

  4. Choose your operating system.

  5. Choose Cargo.

  6. Follow the generated instructions to connect Cargo to your CodeArtifact repository.

Configure Cargo manually

If you cannot or do not want to use the configuration instructions from the console, you can use the following instructions to connect Cargo to your CodeArtifact repository manually.

macOS and Linux

In order to configure Cargo with CodeArtifact, you need to define your CodeArtifact repository as a registry in the Cargo configuration and provide credentials.

  • Replace my_registry with your registry name.

  • Replace my_domain with your CodeArtifact domain name.

  • Replace 111122223333 with the AWS account ID of the owner of the domain. If you are accessing a repository in a domain that you own, you don't need to include --domain-owner. For more information, see Cross-account domains.

  • Replace my_repo with your CodeArtifact repository name.

Copy the configuration to publish and download Cargo packages to your repository and save it in the ~/.cargo/config.toml file for a system-level configuration or .cargo/config.toml for a project-level configuration:

[registries.my_registry] index = "sparse+" credential-provider = "cargo:token-from-stdout aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --region us-west-2 --query authorizationToken --output text" [registry] default = "my_registry" [source.crates-io] replace-with = "my_registry"
Windows: Download packages only

In order to configure Cargo with CodeArtifact, you need to define your CodeArtifact repository as a registry in the Cargo configuration and provide credentials.

  • Replace my_registry with your registry name.

  • Replace my_domain with your CodeArtifact domain name.

  • Replace 111122223333 with the AWS account ID of the owner of the domain. If you are accessing a repository in a domain that you own, you don't need to include --domain-owner. For more information, see Cross-account domains.

  • Replace my_repo with your CodeArtifact repository name.

Copy the configuration to only download Cargo packages from your repository and save it in the %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\config.toml file for a system-level configuration or .cargo\config.toml for a project-level configuration:

[registries.my_registry] index = "sparse+" credential-provider = "cargo:token-from-stdout aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --region us-west-2 --query authorizationToken --output text" [registry] default = "my_registry" [source.crates-io] replace-with = "my_registry"
Windows: Publish and download packages
  1. In order to configure Cargo with CodeArtifact, you need to define your CodeArtifact repository as a registry in the Cargo configuration and provide credentials.

    • Replace my_registry with your registry name.

    • Replace my_domain with your CodeArtifact domain name.

    • Replace 111122223333 with the AWS account ID of the owner of the domain. If you are accessing a repository in a domain that you own, you don't need to include --domain-owner. For more information, see Cross-account domains.

    • Replace my_repo with your CodeArtifact repository name.

    Copy the configuration to publish and download Cargo packages to your repository and save it in the %USERPROFILE%\.cargo\config.toml file for a system-level configuration or .cargo\config.toml for a project-level configuration.

    It is recommended that you use the credential provider cargo:token, which uses the credentials stored in your ~/.cargo/credentials.toml file. You may run into an error during cargo publish if you use cargo:token-from-stdout because the Cargo client doesn't trim the authorization token properly during cargo publish.

    [registries.my_registry] index = "sparse+" credential-provider = "cargo:token" [registry] default = "my_registry" [source.crates-io] replace-with = "my_registry"
  2. To publish Cargo packages to your repository with Windows, you must use the CodeArtifact get-authorization-token command and Cargo login command to fetch an authorization token and your credentials.

    • Replace my_registry with your registry name as defined in [registries.my_registry].

    • Replace my_domain with your CodeArtifact domain name.

    • Replace 111122223333 with the AWS account ID of the owner of the domain. If you are accessing a repository in a domain that you own, you don't need to include --domain-owner. For more information, see Cross-account domains.

    aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --region us-west-2 --query authorizationToken --output text | cargo login --registry my_registry

    The authorization token generated is valid for 12 hours. You will need to create a new one if 12 hours have passed since a token was created.

The [registries.my_registry] section in the preceding example defines a registry with my_registry and provides index and credential-provider information.

  • index specifies the URL of the index for your registry, which is the CodeArtifact repository endpoint that ends with a /. The sparse+ prefix is required for registries that are not Git repositories.


    To use a dualstack endpoint, use the endpoint.

  • credential-provider specifies the credential provider for the given registry. If credential-provider isn't set, the providers in will be used. By setting credential-provider to cargo:token-from-stdout, the Cargo client will fetch new authorization token automatically when publishing or downloading from your CodeArtifact repository, therefore you don't need to manually refresh the authorization token every 12 hours.

The [registry] section defines the default registry used.

  • default specifies the name of the registry defined in [registries.my_registry], to use by default when publishing or downloading from your CodeArtifact repository.

The [source.crates-io] section defines the default registry used when one isn't specified.

  • replace-with = "my_registry" replaces the public registry, with your CodeArtifact repository defined in [registries.my_registry]. This configuration is recommended if you need to request packages from the external connection such as

    To get all of the benefits of CodeArtifact, such as the package origin control that prevents dependency confusion attacks, it is recommended that you use source replacement. With the source replacement, CodeArtifact proxies all requests to the external connection and copies the package from the external connection to your repository. Without the source replacement, the Cargo client will directly retrieve the package based on the configuration in your Cargo.toml file in your project. If a dependency is not marked with registry=my_registry, the Cargo client will retrieve it directly from without communicating with your CodeArtifact repository.


    If you start using source replacement and then update your configuration file to not use source replacement, you may encounter errors. The opposite scenario may also lead to errors. Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid changing the configuration for your project.

Installing Cargo crates

Use the following procedures to install Cargo crates from a CodeArtifact repository or from

Install Cargo crates from CodeArtifact

You can use the Cargo (cargo) CLI to quickly install a specific version of a Cargo crate from your CodeArtifact repository.

To install Cargo crates from a CodeArtifact repository with cargo
  1. If you haven't, follow the steps in Configure and use Cargo with CodeArtifact to configure the cargo CLI to use your CodeArtifact repository with proper credentials.

  2. Use the following command to install Cargo crates from CodeArtifact:

    cargo add my_cargo_package@1.0.0

    For more information, see cargo add in The Cargo Book.

Publishing Cargo crates to CodeArtifact

Use the following procedure to publish Cargo crates to a CodeArtifact repository using the cargo CLI.

  1. If you haven't, follow the steps in Configure and use Cargo with CodeArtifact to configure the cargo CLI to use your CodeArtifact repository with proper credentials.

  2. Use the following command to publish Cargo crates to a CodeArtifact repository:

    cargo publish

    For more information, see cargo publish in The Cargo Book.