Copy packages between repositories - CodeArtifact

Copy packages between repositories

You can copy package versions from one repository to another in CodeArtifact. This can be helpful for scenarios such as package promotion workflows or sharing package versions between teams or projects. The source and destination repositories must be in the same domain to copy package versions.

Required IAM permissions to copy packages

To copy package versions in CodeArtifact, the calling user must have the required IAM permissions and the resource-based policy attached to the source and destination repositories must have the required permissions. For more information about resource-based permissions policies and CodeArtifact repositories, see Repository policies.

The user calling copy-package-versions must have the ReadFromRepository permission on the source repository and the CopyPackageVersions permission on the destination repository.

The source repository must have the ReadFromRepository permission and the destination repository must have the CopyPackageVersions permission assigned to the IAM account or user copying packages. The following policies are example repository policies to be added to the source repository or destination repository with the put-repository-permissions-policy command. Replace 111122223333 with the ID of the account calling copy-package-versions.


Calling put-repository-permissions-policy will replace the current repository policy if one exists. You can use the get-repository-permissions-policy command to see if a policy exists, for more information see Read a policy. If a policy does exist, you may want to add these permissions to it instead of replacing it.

Example source repository permissions policy

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "codeartifact:ReadFromRepository" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root" }, "Resource": "*" } ] }

Example destination repository permissions policy

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "codeartifact:CopyPackageVersions" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root" }, "Resource": "*" } ] }

Copy package versions

Use the copy-package-versions command in CodeArtifact to copy one or more package versions from a source repository to a destination repository in the same domain. The following example will copy versions 6.0.2 and 4.0.0 of an npm package named my-package from the my_repo repository to the repo-2 repository.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --source-repository my_repo \ --destination-repository repo-2 --package my-package --format npm \ --versions 6.0.2 4.0.0

You can copy multiple versions of the same package name in a single operation. To copy versions of different package names, you must call copy-package-versions for each one.

The previous command will produce the following output, assuming both versions could be copied successfully.

{ "successfulVersions": { "6.0.2": { "revision": "REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC", "status": "Published" }, "4.0.0": { "revision": "REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC", "status": "Published" } }, "failedVersions": {} }

Copy a package from upstream repositories

Normally, copy-package-versions only looks in the repository specified by the --source-repository option for versions to copy. However, you can copy versions from both the source repository and its upstream repositories by using the --include-from-upstream option. If you use the CodeArtifact SDK, call the CopyPackageVersions API with the includeFromUpstream parameter set to true. For more information, see Working with upstream repositories in CodeArtifact.

Copy a scoped npm package

To copy an npm package version in a scope, use the --namespace option to specify the scope. For example, to copy the package @types/react, use --namespace types. The @ symbol must be omitted when using --namespace.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --source-repository repo-1 \ --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm --namespace types \ --package react --versions 0.12.2

Copy Maven package versions

To copy Maven package versions between repositories, specify the package to copy by passing the Maven group ID with the --namespace option and the Maven artifactID with the --name option. For example, to copy a single version of

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --source-repository my_repo --destination-repository repo-2 --format maven --namespace \ --package guava --versions 27.1-jre

If the package version is copied successfully, the output will be similar to the following.

{ "successfulVersions": { "27.1-jre": { "revision": "REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC", "status": "Published" } }, "failedVersions": {} }

Versions that do not exist in the source repository

If you specify a version that does not exist in the source repository, the copy will fail. If some versions exist in the source repository and some do not, all versions will fail to copy. In the following example, version 0.2.0 of the array-unique npm package is present in the source repository, but version 5.6.7 is not:

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --source-repository my_repo --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm \ --package array-unique --versions 0.2.0 5.6.7

The output in this scenario will be similar to the following.

{ "successfulVersions": {}, "failedVersions": { "0.2.0": { "errorCode": "SKIPPED", "errorMessage": "Version 0.2.0 was skipped" }, "5.6.7": { "errorCode": "NOT_FOUND", "errorMessage": "Could not find version 5.6.7" } } }

The SKIPPED error code is used to indicate that the version was not copied to the destination repository because another version was not able to be copied.

Versions that already exist in the destination repository

When a package version is copied to a repository where it already exists, CodeArtifact compares its package assets and package version level metadata in the two repositories.

If the package version assets and metadata are identical in the source and destination repositories, a copy is not performed but the operation is considered successful. This means that copy-package-versions is idempotent. When this occurs, the version that was already present in both the source and destination repositories will not be listed in the output of copy-package-versions.

In the following example, two versions of the npm package array-unique are present in the source repository repo-1. Version 0.2.1 is also present in the destination repository dest-repo and version 0.2.0 is not.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --source-repository my_repo --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm --package array-unique \ --versions 0.2.1 0.2.0

The output in this scenario will be similar to the following.

{ "successfulVersions": { "0.2.0": { "revision": "Yad+B1QcBq2kdEVrx1E1vSfHJVh8Pr61hBUkoWPGWX0=", "status": "Published" } }, "failedVersions": {} }

Version 0.2.0 is listed in successfulVersions because it was successfully copied from the source to destination repository. Version 0.2.1 is not shown in the output as it was already present in the destination repository.

If the package version assets or metadata differ in the source and destination repositories, the copy operation will fail. You can use the --allow-overwrite parameter to force an overwrite.

If some versions exist in the destination repository and some do not, all versions will fail to copy. In the following example, version 0.3.2 of the array-unique npm package is present in both the source and destination repositories, but the contents of the package version are different. Version 0.2.1 is present in the source repository but not the destination.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 \ --source-repository my_repo --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm --package array-unique \ --versions 0.3.2 0.2.1

The output in this scenario will be similar to the following.

{ "successfulVersions": {}, "failedVersions": { "0.2.1": { "errorCode": "SKIPPED", "errorMessage": "Version 0.2.1 was skipped" }, "0.3.2": { "errorCode": "ALREADY_EXISTS", "errorMessage": "Version 0.3.2 already exists" } } }

Version 0.2.1 is marked as SKIPPED because it was not copied to the destination repository. Is was not copied because the copy of version 0.3.2 failed because it was already present in the destination repository, but not identical in the source and destination repositories.

Specifying a package version revision

A package version revision is a string that specifies a specific set of assets and metadata for a package version. You can specify a package version revision to copy package versions that are in a specific state. To specify a package version revision, use the --version-revisions parameter to pass one or more comma-separated package version and the package version revision pairs to the copy-package-versions command.


You must specify the --versions or the --version-revisions parameter with copy-package-versions. You cannot specify both.

The following example will only copy version 0.3.2 of the package my-package if it is present in the source repository with package version revision REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --source-repository repo-1 \ --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm --namespace my-namespace \ --package my-package --version-revisions 0.3.2=REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC

The following example copies two versions of package my-package, 0.3.2 and 0.3.13. The copy will only succeed if in the source repository version 0.3.2 of my-package has revision REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC and version 0.3.13 has revision REVISION-2-SAMPLE-55C752BEE772FC.

aws codeartifact copy-package-versions --domain my_domain --domain-owner 111122223333 --source-repository repo-1 \ --destination-repository repo-2 --format npm --namespace my-namespace \ --package my-package --version-revisions 0.3.2=REVISION-1-SAMPLE-6C81EFF7DA55CC,0.3.13=REVISION-2-SAMPLE-55C752BEE772FC

To find the revisions of a package version, use the describe-package-version or the list-package-versions command.

For more information, see Package version revision and CopyPackageVersion in the CodeArtifact API Reference.

Copy npm packages

For more information about copy-package-versions behavior with npm packages, see npm tags and the CopyPackageVersions API.