Delete a domain
You can delete a domain using the CodeArtifact console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Restrictions on domain deletion
Normally, you can't delete a domain that contains repositories. Before you delete the domain, you must first delete its repositories. For more information, see Delete a repository.
However, if CodeArtifact no longer has access to the domain's KMS key, you can delete the domain even if it still contains repositories. This situation will occur if you delete the domain's KMS key or revoke the KMS grant that CodeArtifact uses to access the key. In this state, you cannot access the repositories in the domain or the packages stored in them. Listing and deleting of repositories is also not possible when CodeArtifact cannot access the domain's KMS key. For this reason, domain deletion doesn't check whether the domain contains repositories when the domain's KMS key is inaccessible.
When a domain that still contains repositories is deleted, CodeArtifact will
asynchronously delete the repositories within 15 minutes. After the domain is
deleted, the repositories will still be visible in the CodeArtifact console and in the
output of the list-repositories
command until the automatic repository
cleanup occurs.
Delete a domain (console)
Open the AWS CodeArtifact console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Domains, then choose the domain that you want to delete.
Choose Delete.
Delete a domain (AWS CLI)
Use the delete-domain command to delete a domain.
aws codeartifact delete-domain --domain
JSON-formatted data appears in the output with details about the deleted domain.
{ "domain": { "name": "
", "owner": "111122223333
", "arn": "arn:aws:codeartifact:us-west-2
", "status": "Active", "encryptionKey": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2
", "repositoryCount": 0, "assetSizeBytes": 0, "createdTime": "2020-10-12T16:51:18.039000-04:00" } }