Requesting Maven packages from upstreams and external connections - CodeArtifact

Requesting Maven packages from upstreams and external connections

Importing standard asset names

When importing a Maven package version from a public repository, such as Maven Central, AWS CodeArtifact attempts to import all the assets in that package version. As described in Requesting a package version with upstream repositories, importing occurs when:

  • A client requests a Maven asset from a CodeArtifact repository.

  • The package version is not already present in the repository or its upstreams.

  • There is a reachable external connection to a public Maven repository.

Even though the client may have only requested one asset, CodeArtifact attempts to import all the assets it can find for that package version. How CodeArtifact discovers which assets are available for a Maven package version depends on the particular public repository. Some public Maven repositories support requesting a list of assets, but others do not. For repositories that do not provide a way to list assets, CodeArtifact generates a set of asset names that are likely to exist. For example, when any asset of the Maven package version junit 4.13.2 is requested, CodeArtifact will attempt to import the following assets:

  • junit-4.13.2.pom

  • junit-4.13.2.jar

  • junit-4.13.2-javadoc.jar

  • junit-4.13.2-sources.jar

Importing non-standard asset names

When a Maven client requests an asset that doesn’t match one of the patterns described above, CodeArtifact checks to see if that asset is present in the public repository. If the asset is present, it will be imported and added to the existing package version record, if one exists. For example, the Maven package version 7.3.1-8691043 contains the following assets:

  • aapt2-7.3.1-8691043.pom

  • aapt2-7.3.1-8691043-windows.jar

  • aapt2-7.3.1-8691043-osx.jar

  • aapt2-7.3.1-8691043-linux.jar

When a client requests the POM file, if CodeArtifact is unable to list the package version’s assets, the POM will be the only asset imported. This is because none of the other assets match the standard asset name patterns. However, when the client requests one of the JAR assets, that asset will be imported and added to the existing package version stored in CodeArtifact. The package versions in both the most-downstream repository (the repository the client made the request against) and the repository with the external connection attached will be updated to contain the new asset, as described in Package retention from upstream repositories.

Normally, once a package version is retained in a CodeArtifact repository, it is not affected by changes in upstream repositories. For more information, see Package retention from upstream repositories. However, the behavior for Maven assets with non-standard names described earlier is an exception to this rule. While the downstream package version won’t change without an additional asset being requested by a client, in this situation, the retained package version is modified after initially being retained and so is not immutable. This behavior is necessary because Maven assets with non-standard names would otherwise not be accessible through CodeArtifact. The behavior also enables if they are added to a Maven package version on a public repository after the package version was retained in a CodeArtifact repository.

Checking asset origins

When adding a new asset to a previously retained Maven package version, CodeArtifact confirms the origin of the retained package version is the same as origin of the new asset. This prevents creating a “mixed” package version where different assets originate from different public repositories. Without this check, asset mixing could occur if a Maven package version is published to more than one public repository and those repositories are part of a CodeArtifact repository’s upstream graph.

Importing new assets and package version status in upstream repositories

The package version status of package versions in upstream repositories can prevent CodeArtifact from retaining those versions in downstream repositories.

For example, let's say a domain has three repositories: repo-A, repo-B, and repo-C, where repo-B is an upsteam of repo-A and repo-C is upstream of repo-B.

Package version 7.3.1 of Maven package is present in repo-B and has a status of Published. It is not present in repo-A. If a client requests an asset of this package version from repo-A, the response will be a 200 (OK) and Maven package version 7.3.1 will be retained in repo-A. However, if the status of package version 7.3.1 in repo-B is Archived or Disposed, the response will be 404 (Not Found) because the assets of package versions in those two statuses are not downloadable.

Note that setting the package origin control to upstream=BLOCK for in repo-A, repo-B, and repo-C will prevent new assets from being fetched for all versions of that package from repo-A, regardless of the package version status.