Publishing and consuming generic packages - CodeArtifact

Publishing and consuming generic packages

To publish a generic package version and its related assets, use the publish-package-version command. You can list a generic package's assets using the list-package-version-asset command and download them using get-package-version-asset. The following topic contains step-by-step instructions to publish generic packages or download generic package assets using these commands.

Publishing a generic package

A generic package consists of a package name, namespace, version, and one or more assets (or files). This topic demonstrates how to publish a package named my-package, with the namespace my-ns, version 1.0.0, and containing one asset named asset.tar.gz.


To publish a generic package
  1. Use the following command to generate the SHA256 hash for each file you want to upload to a package version, and place the value in an environment variable. This value is used as an integrity check to verify that the file contents have not changed after they were originally sent.

    export ASSET_SHA256=$(sha256sum asset.tar.gz | awk '{print $1;}')
    export ASSET_SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 asset.tar.gz | awk '{print $1;}')
    for /f "tokens=*" %G IN ('certUtil -hashfile asset.tar.gz SHA256 ^| findstr /v "hash"') DO SET "ASSET_SHA256=%G"
  2. Call publish-package-version to upload the asset and create a new package version.


    If your package contains more than one asset, you can call publish-package-version once for each asset to upload. Include the --unfinished argument for each call to publish-package-version, except for when uploading the final asset. Omitting --unfinished will set the package version's status to Published, and prevent additional assets from being uploaded to it.

    Alternatively, include --unfinished for every call to publish-package-version, then set the package version's status to Published using the update-package-versions-status command.

    aws codeartifact publish-package-version --domain my_domain --repository my_repo \ --format generic --namespace my-ns --package my-package --package-version 1.0.0 \ --asset-content asset.tar.gz --asset-name asset.tar.gz \ --asset-sha256 $ASSET_SHA256
    aws codeartifact publish-package-version --domain my_domain --repository my_repo ^ --format generic --namespace my-ns --package my-package --package-version 1.0.0 ^ --asset-content asset.tar.gz --asset-name asset.tar.gz ^ --asset-sha256 %ASSET_SHA256%

    The following shows the output.

    { "format": "generic", "namespace": "my-ns", "package": "my-package", "version": "1.0.0", "versionRevision": "REVISION-SAMPLE-1-C7F4S5E9B772FC", "status": "Published", "asset": { "name": "asset.tar.gz", "size": 11, "hashes": { "MD5": "41bba98d5b9219c43089eEXAMPLE-MD5", "SHA-1": "69b215c25dd4cda1d997a786ec6EXAMPLE-SHA-1", "SHA-256": "43f24850b7b7b7d79c5fa652418518fbdf427e602b1edabe6EXAMPLE-SHA-256", "SHA-512": "3947382ac2c180ee3f2aba4f8788241527c8db9dfe9f4b039abe9fc560aaf5a1fced7bd1e80a0dca9ce320d95f0864e0dec3ac4f2f7b2b2cbEXAMPLE-SHA-512" } } }

Listing generic package assets

To list the assets contained in a generic package, use the list-package-version-assets command. For more information, see List package version assets.

The following example lists the assets of version 1.0.0 of package my-package.

To list package version assets
  • Call list-package-version-assets to list the assets contained in a generic package.

    aws codeartifact list-package-version-assets --domain my_domain \ --repository my_repo --format generic --namespace my-ns \ --package my-package --package-version 1.0.0
    aws codeartifact list-package-version-assets --domain my_domain ^ --repository my_repo --format generic --namespace my-ns ^ --package my-package --package-version 1.0.0

    The following shows the output.

    { "assets": [ { "name": "asset.tar.gz", "size": 11, "hashes": { "MD5": "41bba98d5b9219c43089eEXAMPLE-MD5", "SHA-1": "69b215c25dd4cda1d997a786ec6EXAMPLE-SHA-1", "SHA-256": "43f24850b7b7b7d79c5fa652418518fbdf427e602b1edabe6EXAMPLE-SHA-256", "SHA-512": "3947382ac2c180ee3f2aba4f8788241527c8db9dfe9f4b039abe9fc560aaf5a1fced7bd1e80a0dca9ce320d95f0864e0dec3ac4f2f7b2b2cbEXAMPLE-SHA-512" } } ], "package": "my-package", "format": "generic", "namespace": "my-ns", "version": "1.0.0", "versionRevision": "REVISION-SAMPLE-1-C7F4S5E9B772FC" }

Downloading generic package assets

To download the assets from a generic package, use the get-package-version-asset command. For more information, see Download package version assets.

The following example downloads the asset asset.tar.gz from version 1.0.0 of the package my-package to the current working directory into a file also named asset.tar.gz.

To download package version assets
  • Call get-package-version-asset to download assets from a generic package.

    aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --domain my_domain \ --repository my_repo --format generic --namespace my-ns --package my-package \ --package-version 1.0.0 --asset asset.tar.gz \ asset.tar.gz
    aws codeartifact get-package-version-asset --domain my_domain ^ --repository my_repo --format generic --namespace my-ns --package my-package ^ --package-version 1.0.0 --asset asset.tar.gz ^ asset.tar.gz

    The following shows the output.

    { "assetName": "asset.tar.gz", "packageVersion": "1.0.0", "packageVersionRevision": "REVISION-SAMPLE-1-C7F4S5E9B772FC" }