Swift package name and namespace normalization - CodeArtifact

Swift package name and namespace normalization

CodeArtifact normalizes package names and namespaces before storing them, which means the names in CodeArtifact may be different than the ones provided when the package was published.

Package name and namespace normalization: CodeArtifact normalizes Swift package names and namespaces by converting all letters to lowercase.

Package version normalization: CodeArtifact does not normalize Swift package versions. Note that CodeArtifact only supports Semantic Versioning 2.0 version patterns, for more information about Semantic Versioning, see Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

The non-normalized package name and namespace can be used with API and CLI requests because CodeArtifact performs normalization on the inputs for those requests. For example, inputs of --package myPackage and --namespace myScope would be normalized and return a package that has a normalized package name of mypackage and namespace of myscope.

You must use normalized names in ARNs, such as in IAM policies.

To find the normalized name of a package, use the aws codeartifact list-packages command. For more information, see List package names.