GitHub manual webhooks - AWS CodeBuild

GitHub manual webhooks

You can configure manual GitHub webhooks to prevent CodeBuild from automatically attempting to create a webhook within GitHub. CodeBuild returns a payload URL in as part of the call to create the webhook and can be used to manually create the webhook within GitHub. Even if CodeBuild is not allowlisted to create a webhook in your GitHub account, you can still manually create a webhook for your build project.

Use the following procedure to create a GitHub manual webhook.

To create a GitHub manual webhook
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. Create a build project. For information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console).

    • In Source:

      • For Source provider, choose GitHub.

      • For Repository, choose Repository in my GitHub account.

      • For Repository URL, enter

    • In Primary source webhook events:

      • For Webhook - optional, choose Rebuild every time a code change is pushed to this repository.

      • Choose Additional configuration and for Manual creation - optional, choose Manually create a webhook for this repository in GitHub console..


        Additional configuration is not available if you are using GitHub Enterprise as your source provider.

  3. Continue with the default values and then choose Create build project. Take note of the Payload URL and Secret values as you will use these later.

    Payload URL and Secret configuration for manual webhooks.
  4. Open the GitHub console at and choose Add webhook.

    • For Payload URL, enter the Payload URL value you took note of earlier.

    • For Content type, choose application/json.

    • For Secret, enter the Secret value you took note of earlier.

    • Configure the individual events that will send a webhook payload to CodeBuild. For Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?, choose Let me select individual events, and then choose from the following events: Pushes, Pull requests, and Releases. If you want to start builds for WORKFLOW_JOB_QUEUED events, choose Workflow jobs. To learn more about GitHub Actions runners, see Tutorial: Configure a CodeBuild-hosted GitHub Actions runner. To learn more about event types supported by CodeBuild, see GitHub webhook events.

  5. Choose Add webhook.


By default, all GitHub Enterprise webhooks need to be created manually. This process can be automated by programmatically calling CodeBuild's CreateWebhook API and using the returned output to call GitHub Enterprise's repository webhook creation API.