Run a build (console) - AWS CodeBuild

Run a build (console)

To use AWS CodePipeline to run a build with CodeBuild, skip these steps and follow the instructions in Use CodeBuild with CodePipeline.

  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Build projects.

  3. In the list of build projects, choose the build project.

  4. You can run the build with the default build project settings, or override build settings for this build only.

    1. If you want to run the build with the default build project settings, choose Start build. The build starts immediately.

    2. If you want to override the default build project settings, choose Start build with overrides. In the Start build page, you can override the following:

      • Build configuration

      • Source

      • Environment variable overrides

      If you need to select more advanced overrides, choose Advanced build overrides. In this page, you can override the following:

      • Build configuration

      • Source

      • Environment

      • Buildspec

      • Artifacts

      • Logs

      When you have made your override selections, choose Start build.

For detailed information about this build, see View build details (console).