Source version sample with AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

Source version sample with AWS CodeBuild

This sample demonstrates how to specify a version of your source using a format other than a commit ID (also known as a commit SHA). You can specify the version of your source in the following ways:

  • For an Amazon S3 source provider, use the version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file.

  • For CodeCommit, Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise Server, use one of the following:

    • Pull request as a pull request reference (for example, refs/pull/1/head).

    • Branch as a branch name.

    • Commit ID.

    • Tag.

    • Reference and a commit ID. The reference can be one of the following:

      • A tag (for example, refs/tags/mytagv1.0^{full-commit-SHA}).

      • A branch (for example, refs/heads/mydevbranch^{full-commit-SHA}).

      • A pull request (for example, refs/pull/1/head^{full-commit-SHA}).

  • For GitLab and GitLab Self Managed, use one of the following:

    • Branch as a branch name.

    • Commit ID.

    • Tag.


You can specify the version of a pull request source only if your repository is GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Server.

If you use a reference and a commit ID to specify a version, the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase of your build is faster than if you provide the version only. This is because when you add a reference, CodeBuild does not need to download the entire repository to find the commit.

  • You can specify a source version with only a commit ID, such as 12345678901234567890123467890123456789. If you do this, CodeBuild must download the entire repository to find the version.

  • You can specify a source version with a reference and a commit ID in this format: refs/heads/branchname^{full-commit-SHA} (for example, refs/heads/main^{12345678901234567890123467890123456789}). If you do this, CodeBuild downloads only the specified branch to find the version. .


To speed up the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase of your build, you can also to set Git clone depth to a low number. CodeBuild downloads fewer versions of your repository.