Source version sample with AWS CodeBuild - AWS CodeBuild

Source version sample with AWS CodeBuild

This sample demonstrates how to specify a version of your source using a format other than a commit ID (also known as a commit SHA). You can specify the version of your source in the following ways:

  • For an Amazon S3 source provider, use the version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file.

  • For CodeCommit, Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitHub Enterprise Server, use one of the following:

    • Pull request as a pull request reference (for example, refs/pull/1/head).

    • Branch as a branch name.

    • Commit ID.

    • Tag.

    • Reference and a commit ID. The reference can be one of the following:

      • A tag (for example, refs/tags/mytagv1.0^{full-commit-SHA}).

      • A branch (for example, refs/heads/mydevbranch^{full-commit-SHA}).

      • A pull request (for example, refs/pull/1/head^{full-commit-SHA}).

  • For GitLab and GitLab Self Managed, use one of the following:

    • Branch as a branch name.

    • Commit ID.

    • Tag.


You can specify the version of a pull request source only if your repository is GitHub or GitHub Enterprise Server.

If you use a reference and a commit ID to specify a version, the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase of your build is faster than if you provide the version only. This is because when you add a reference, CodeBuild does not need to download the entire repository to find the commit.

  • You can specify a source version with only a commit ID, such as 12345678901234567890123467890123456789. If you do this, CodeBuild must download the entire repository to find the version.

  • You can specify a source version with a reference and a commit ID in this format: refs/heads/branchname^{full-commit-SHA} (for example, refs/heads/main^{12345678901234567890123467890123456789}). If you do this, CodeBuild downloads only the specified branch to find the version. .


To speed up the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase of your build, you can also to set Git clone depth to a low number. CodeBuild downloads fewer versions of your repository.

To specify a GitHub repository version with a commit ID
  1. Open the AWS CodeBuild console at

  2. Create a build project. For information, see Create a build project (console) and Run a build (console). Leave all settings at their default values, except for these settings:

    • In Source:

      • For Source provider, choose GitHub. If you are not connected to GitHub, follow the instructions to connect.

      • For Repository, choose Public repository.

      • For Repository URL, enter

    • In Environment:

      • For Environment image, choose Managed image.

      • For Operating system, choose Amazon Linux 2.

      • For Runtime(s), choose Standard.

      • For Image, choose aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0.

  3. For Build specifications, choose Insert build commands, and then choose Switch to editor.

  4. In Build commands, replace the placeholder text with the following:

    version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: ruby: 2.6 build: commands: - echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION

    The runtime-versions section is required when you use the Ubuntu standard image 2.0. Here, the Ruby version 2.6 runtime is specified, but you can use any runtime. The echo command displays the version of the source code stored in the CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION environment variable.

  5. On Build configuration, accept the defaults, and then choose Start build.

  6. For Source version, enter 046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369. This is the SHA of a commit in the repository.

  7. Choose Start build.

  8. When the build is complete, you should see the following:

    • On the Build logs tab, which version of the project source was used. Here is an example.

      [Container] Date Time Running command echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION 046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369 [Container] Date Time Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
    • On the Environment variables tab, the Resolved source version matches the commit ID used to create the build.

    • On the Phase details tab, the duration of the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase.

These steps show you how to create a build using the same version of the source. This time, the version of the source is specified using a reference with the commit ID.

To specify a GitHub repository version with a commit ID and reference
  1. From the left navigation pane, choose Build projects, and then choose the project you created earlier.

  2. Choose Start build.

  3. In Source version, enter refs/heads/main^{046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369}. This is the same commit ID and a reference to a branch in the format refs/heads/branchname^{full-commit-SHA}.

  4. Choose Start build.

  5. When the build is complete, you should see the following:

    • On the Build logs tab, which version of the project source was used. Here is an example.

      [Container] Date Time Running command echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION 046e8b67481d53bdc86c3f6affdd5d1afae6d369 [Container] Date Time Phase complete: BUILD State: SUCCEEDED
    • On the Environment variables tab, the Resolved source version matches the commit ID used to create the build.

    • On the Phase details tab, the duration of the DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase should be shorter than the duration when you used only the commit ID to specify the version of your source.