Set up test reporting with RSpec - AWS CodeBuild

Set up test reporting with RSpec

The following procedure demonstrates how to set up test reporting in AWS CodeBuild with the RSpec testing framework.

The procedure requires the following prerequisites:

  • You have an existing CodeBuild project.

  • Your project is a Ruby project that is set up to use the RSpec testing framework.

Add/update the following in your buildspec.yml file. This code runs the tests in the <test source directory> directory and exports the test reports to the file specified by <test report directory>/<report filename>. The report uses the JunitXml format.

version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: ruby: 2.6 pre_build: commands: - gem install rspec - gem install rspec_junit_formatter build: commands: - rspec <test source directory>/* --format RspecJunitFormatter --out <test report directory>/<report filename> reports: rspec_reports: files: - <report filename> base-directory: <test report directory> file-format: JUNITXML