Deploying an application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with a workflow - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Deploying an application to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with a workflow

This section describes how to deploy a containerized application into an Amazon ECS cluster using a CodeCatalyst workflow. To accomplish this, you must add the Deploy to Amazon ECS action to your workflow. This action registers a task definition file that you provide. Upon registration, the task definition is instantiated by your Amazon ECS service running in your Amazon ECS cluster. "Instantiating a task definition" is equivalent to deploying an application into Amazon ECS.

To use this action, you must have an Amazon ECS cluster, service, and task definition file ready.

For more information about Amazon ECS, see the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.


For a tutorial that shows you how to use the Deploy to Amazon ECS action, see Tutorial: Deploy an application to Amazon ECS.


For a working example of the Deploy to Amazon ECS action, create a project with either the Node.js API with AWS Fargate or Java API with AWS Fargate blueprint. For more information, see Creating a project with a blueprint.