Quotas for CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Quotas for CodeCatalyst

The following table describes quotas and limits for Amazon CodeCatalyst. You can find additional information for specific aspects of CodeCatalyst in the following topics:

Maximum number of spaces in an account

Maximum number of spaces a user can create in a calendar month 5
Minimum number of AWS accounts for a space 1
Maximum number of account connections for a space 5,000
Maximum number of AWS accounts as the billing account for a space 1
Maximum number of spaces in the Free tier for which a single AWS account can be specified as the billing account 3
Maximum number of spaces in a paid tier for which a single AWS account can be specified as the billing account 15
Maximum number of VPC connections for a space 100
Maximum number of projects in a space 100
Maximum number of projects to which a user can belong 1,000
Space descriptions

Space descriptions are optional. If specified, they must be between 0 and 200 characters in length. They can contain any combination of letters, numbers, spaces, periods, underscores, commas, dashes, and the following special characters:

? & $ % + = / \ ; : \n \t \r

Space names

Space names must be unique across CodeCatalyst. You cannot reuse names of deleted spaces.

Space names must be between 3 and 63 characters in length. They must also begin with an alphanumeric character. Space names can contain any combination of letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. They cannot contain any of the following characters:

! ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | /\ > < ~ ` ' " ; :