Quotas for source repositories in CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Quotas for source repositories in CodeCatalyst

The following table describes quotas and limits for source repositories in Amazon CodeCatalyst. For more information about quotas in Amazon CodeCatalyst, see Quotas for CodeCatalyst.

Resource Information
Branch names

Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 256 characters in length and must be unique within a repository. Branch names cannot:

  • begin or end with a slash (/) or period (.)

  • consist of the single character @

  • contain two or more consecutive periods (..), forward slashes (//), or the following character combination: @{

  • contain spaces or any of the following characters: ? ^ * [ \ ~ :

Branch names are references. Many of the limitations on branch names are based on the Git reference standard. For more information, see Git Internals and git-check-ref-format.

Comments on a pull request

Maximum of 1,000 on a pull request.

Commit message

Maximum of 1024 characters.

File paths Any combination of allowed characters between 1 and 4,096 characters in length. File paths must be an unambiguous name that specifies the file and the exact location of the file. File paths cannot exceed 20 directories in depth. In addition, file paths cannot:
  • contain empty strings

  • be a relative file path

  • include any of the following character combinations:




  • end with a trailing slash or backslash

File names and paths must be fully qualified. The name and path to a file on your local computer must follow the standards for that operating system. When specifying the path to a file in a repository, use the standards for Amazon Linux.

File size Maximum of 6 MB for any individual file when using the CodeCatalyst console.
File size viewable in the CodeCatalyst console Maximum of 6 MB for any individual file when using the CodeCatalyst console.
Git blob size

Maximum of 2 GB.


There is no limit on the number or the total size of all files in a single commit, as long as the metadata does not exceed 6 MB and a single blob does not exceed 2 GB. However, as a best practice, consider making multiple smaller commits rather than one large commit.

Metadata for a commit

Maximum of 6 MB for the combined metadata for a commit (for example, the combination of author information, date, parent commit list, and commit messages).


There is no limit on the number or the total size of all files in a single commit, as long as the data does not exceed 20 MB, an individual file does not exceed 6 MB, and a single blob does not exceed 2 GB.

Number of CodeCatalyst issues that can be linked to a pull request


Number of Jira issues that can be linked to a pull request


Number of open pull requests in a space

Maximum of 1,000 for an Amazon CodeCatalyst space.

Number of total pull requests in a space

Maximum of 10,000 for an Amazon CodeCatalyst space.

Number of references in a single push Maximum of 4,000, including create, delete, and update. There is no limit on the overall number of references in the repository.
Number of repositories in a space

Maximum of 5,000 for an Amazon CodeCatalyst space.

Repository descriptions

Any combination of characters between 0 and 1,000 characters in length. Repository descriptions are optional.

Repository names

Repository names must be unique within a project. They can contain any combination of letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes between 1 and 100 characters in length. Names are not case sensitive. Repository names cannot end in .git, cannot contain spaces, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ! ? @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | \ / > < ~ ` ' " ; :

Repository size

Repository sizes are impacted by the overall storage limits for your space. For more information, see Pricing and Troubleshooting problems with source repositories.

Reviewers for a pull request

Maximum of 100 reviewers total (optional or required) for a pull request.

Written summaries for pull requests

The maximum number of written summaries for pull requests depends on the billing tier for your space. For more information, see Pricing.