Organizing your source code work with branches in Amazon CodeCatalyst - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Organizing your source code work with branches in Amazon CodeCatalyst

In Git, branches are pointers or references to a commit. In development, they're a convenient way to organize your work. You can use branches to separate work on a new or different version of files without affecting work in other branches. You can use branches to develop new features, store a specific version of your project, and more. You can configure rules for branches in source repositories to limit certain actions on a branch to specific roles in that project.

Source repositories in Amazon CodeCatalyst have contents and a default branch regardless of how you create them. Linked repositories might not have a default branch or content, but are not usable by CodeCatalyst until you initialize them and create a default branch. When you create a project using a blueprint, CodeCatalyst creates a source repository for that project that includes a file, sample code, workflow definitions, and other resources. When you create a source repository without using a blueprint, a file is added for you as a first commit, and a default branch is created for you. This default branch is named main. This default branch is the one used as the base or default branch in local repositories (repos) when users clone the repository.


You can't delete the default branch. The first branch created for a source repository is the default branch for that repository. Additionally, search only displays results from the default branch. You can't search for code in other branches.

Creating a repository in CodeCatalyst also creates a first commit, which creates a default branch with a file included in it. The name of that default branch is main. This is the default branch name used in the examples in this guide.