Getting started with CodeCatalyst source repositories and the Single-page application blueprint - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Getting started with CodeCatalyst source repositories and the Single-page application blueprint

Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to work with source repositories in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

The quickest way to get started working with source repositories in Amazon CodeCatalyst is to create a project using a template. When you create a project using a template, resources are created for you, including a source repository that includes sample code. You can use this repository and code example to learn how to:

  • View a project's source repositories and browse their contents

  • Create a Dev Environment with a new branch where you can work on code

  • Change a file, and commit and push your changes

  • Create a pull request and review your code changes with other project members

  • See the workflow for your project automatically build and test the changes in the source branch of the pull request

  • Merge your changes from your source branch into the destination branch and close the pull request

  • See the merged changes automatically built and deployed

To get the most out of this tutorial, invite others to your project so you can work together on a pull request. You can also explore additional features in CodeCatalyst, such as creating issues and associating them with a pull request, or configuring notifications and getting alerts when the associated workflow runs. For a full exploration of CodeCatalyst, see Getting started tutorials.

Creating a project using a blueprint

Creating a project is the first step in being able to work together. You can use a blueprint to create your project, which will also create a source repository with sample code and a workflow that will automatically build and deploy your code when you change it. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through a project created with the Single-page application blueprint, but you can follow the procedures for any project with a source repository. Make sure to choose an IAM role or add an IAM role if you don't have one as part of creating the project. We recommend that you use the CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spaceName service role for this project.

If you already have a project, you can skip ahead to Viewing the repositories for a project.


Only users with the Space administrator or Power user role can create projects in CodeCatalyst. If you do not have this role and you need a project to work on for this tutorial, ask someone with one of these roles to create a project for you and add you to the created project. For more information, see Working with roles in Amazon CodeCatalyst.

To create a project with a blueprint
  1. In the CodeCatalyst console, navigate to the space where you want to create a project.

  2. On the space dashboard, choose Create project.

  3. Choose Start with a blueprint.

  4. Choose a blueprint, and then choose Next.

  5. Under Give a name to your project, enter the name that you want to assign to your project and its associated resource names. The name must be unique within your space.

  6. Under Project resources, configure common project parameters.

  7. (Optional) To view definition files with updates based on the project parameter selections you made, choose View code or View workflow from Generate project preview.

  8. (Optional) Choose View details from the blueprint's card to view specific details about the blueprint, such as an overview of the blueprint's architecture, required connections and permissions, and the kind of resources the blueprint creates.

  9. Choose Create project.

    For more information about project blueprints, see Project blueprint reference.

The project overview page opens as soon as you create a project or accept an invitation to a project and complete the sign-in process. The project overview page for a new project contains no open issues or pull requests. You can optionally choose to create an issue and assign it to yourself. You can also choose to invite someone else to your project. For more information, see Creating an issue in CodeCatalyst and Inviting a user to your project.

Viewing the repositories for a project

As a member of a project, you can view the source repositories for the project. You can also choose to create additional repositories. If someone with the Space administrator role has installed and configured the GitHub repositories extension, you can also add links to GitHub repositories in the GitHub accounts configured for the extension. For more information, see Creating a source repository and Quickstart: Using GitHub repositories in CodeCatalyst.


For projects created with the Single-page application blueprint, the default name for the source repository that contains the sample code is spa-app.

To navigate to the source repositories for a project
  1. Navigate to your project, and do one of the following:

    • On the summary page for your project, choose the repository you want from the list, and then choose View repository.

    • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories. In Source repositories, choose the name of the repository from the list. You can filter the list of repositories by typing part of the repository name in the filter bar.

  2. On the home page for the repository, view the contents of the repository and information about the associated resources such as the number of pull requests and workflows. By default, the contents for the default branch are shown. You can change the view by choosing a different branch from the drop-down list.

The overview page for the repository includes information about the workflows and pull requests that are configured for the branches of this repository and its files. If you just created the project, the initial workflows to build, test, and deploy the code will still be running, as they take a few minutes to complete. You can view the related workflows and their status by choosing the number beneath Related workflows, but this opens the Workflows page in CI/CD. For this tutorial, stay on the overview page and explore the code in the repository. The contents of the file are rendered on this page below the repository files. In Files, the contents of the default branch are shown. You can change the file view to show the contents of another branch if you have one. The .codecatalyst folder contains code used for other parts of the project, such as workflow YAML files.

To view the content of folders, choose the arrow next to the folder name to expand it. For example, choose the arrow next to src to view the files for the single-page web application contained in that folder. To view the contents of a file, choose it from the list. This will open View files, where you can browse the contents of multiple files. You can edit single files in the console as well, but to edit multiple files, you'll want to create a Dev Environment.

Creating a Dev Environment

You can add and change files in a source repository in the Amazon CodeCatalyst console. However, to work effectively with multiple files and branches, we recommend using a Dev Environment or cloning the repository to your local computer. In this tutorial, we'll create an AWS Cloud9 Dev Environment with a branch named develop. You can choose a different branch name, but by naming the branch develop, a workflow will automatically run to build and test your code when you create a pull request later in this tutorial.


If you decide to clone a repository locally instead of or in addition to using a Dev Environment, make sure that you have Git on your local computer or that your IDE includes Git. For more information, see Setting up for working with source repositories.

To create a Dev Environment with a new branch
  1. Open the CodeCatalyst console at

  2. Navigate to the project where you want to create a Dev Environment.

  3. Choose the name of the repository from the list of source repositories for the project. Alternatively, in the navigation pane, choose Code, choose Source repositories, and choose the repository for which you want to create a Dev Environment.

  4. On the repository home page, choose Create Dev Environment.

  5. Choose a supported IDE from the drop-down menu. See Supported integrated development environments for Dev Environments for more information.

  6. Choose the repository to clone, choose Work in new branch, enter a branch name into the Branch name field, and choose a branch off of which to create the new branch from the Create branch from drop-down menu.

  7. Optionally, add an alias for the Dev Environment.

  8. Optionally, choose the Dev Environment configuration edit button to edit the Dev Environment's compute, storage, or timeout configuration.

  9. Choose Create. While your Dev Environment is being created, the Dev Environment status column will display Starting, and the status column will display Running once the Dev Environment has been created. A new tab will open with your Dev Environment in the IDE of your choice. You can edit code and commit and push your changes.

Once you've created the Dev Environment, you can edit files, commit your changes, and push your changes to the test branch. For this tutorial, edit the content between the <p> tags in App.tsx file in the src folder to change the text that's displayed on the webpage. Commit and push your change, and then return to the CodeCatalyst tab.

To make and push a change from an AWS Cloud9 Dev Environment

  1. In AWS Cloud9, expand the side navigation menu to browse the files. Expand src, and open App.tsx.

  2. Make a change the text inside the <p> tags.

  3. Save the file, and then commit and push your changes by using the Git menu. Alternatively, in the terminal window, commit and push your changes with the git commit and git push commands.

    git commit -am "Making an example change" git push

    You might need to change directories in the terminal to the Git repository directory before you can successfully run the Git commands.

Creating a pull request

You can use pull requests to review code changes collaboratively for minor changes or fixes, major feature additions, or new versions of your released software. In this tutorial, you will create a pull request to review the changes you made to the test branch compared to the main branch. Creating a pull request in a project created with a template will also start a run of its associated workflows, if any.

To create a pull request
  1. Navigate to your project.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the navigation pane, choose Code, choose Pull requests, and then choose Create pull request.

    • On the repository home page, choose More, and then choose Create pull request.

    • On the project page, choose Create pull request.

  3. In Source repository, make sure that the specified source repository is the one that contains the committed code. This option only appears if you did not create the pull request from the repository's main page.

  4. In Destination branch, choose the branch to merge the code into after it is reviewed.

  5. In Source branch, choose the branch that contains the committed code.

  6. In Pull request title, enter a title that helps other users understand what needs to be reviewed and why.

  7. (Optional) In Pull request description, provide information such as a link to issues or a description of your changes.


    You can choose Write description for me to have CodeCatalyst automatically generate a description of the changes contained in the pull request. You can make changes to the automatically generated description after you add it to the pull request.

    This functionality requires that generative AI features are enabled for the space. For more information, see Managing generative AI features.

  8. (Optional) In Issues, choose Link issues, and then either choose an issue from the list or enter its ID. To unlink an issue, choose the unlink icon.

  9. (Optional) In Required reviewers, choose Add required reviewers. Choose from the list of project members to add them. Required reviewers must approve the changes before the pull request can be merged into the destination branch.


    You cannot add a reviewer as both a required reviewer and an optional reviewer. You cannot add yourself as a reviewer.

  10. (Optional) In Optional reviewers, choose Add optional reviewers. Choose from the list of project members to add them. Optional reviewers do not have to approve the changes as a requirement before the pull request can be merged into the destination branch.

  11. Review the differences between the branches. The difference displayed in a pull request is the changes between the revision in the source branch and the merge base, which is the head commit of the destination branch at the time the pull request was created. If no changes display, the branches might be identical, or you might have chosen the same branch for both the source and the destination.

  12. When you are satisfied that the pull request contains the code and changes you want reviewed, choose Create.


    After you create the pull request, you can add comments. Comments can be added to the pull request or to individual lines in files as well as to the overall pull request. You can add links to resources, such as files, by using the @ sign followed by the name of the file.

You can view information about associated workflows started by the creation of this pull request by choosing Overview and then reviewing the information in the Pull request details area under Workflow runs. To view the workflow run, choose the run.


If you named your branch something other than develop, a workflow will not automatically run to build and test your changes. If you want to configure that, edit the YAML file for the onPullRequestBuildAndTest workflow. For more information, see Creating, editing, and deleting a workflow.

You can comment on this pull request and ask other project members to comment on it. You can also choose to add or change optional or required reviewers. You can choose to make more changes to the source branch for the repository, and see how those committed changes create revisions for the pull request. For more information, see Reviewing a pull request, Updating a pull request, Working with pull requests in Amazon CodeCatalyst, and Viewing workflow run status and details .

Merging a pull request

Once a pull request has been reviewed and has received approvals from required reviewers, you can merge its source branch to the destination branch in the CodeCatalyst console. Merging a pull request will also start a run of the changes through any workflows associated with the destination branch. In this tutorial, you'll merge the test branch into main, which will start a run of the onPushToMainDeployPipeline workflow.

To merge a pull request (console)
  1. In Pull requests, choose the pull request you created in the previous step. In the pull request, choose Merge.

  2. Choose from the available merge strategies for the pull request. Optionally select or deselect the option to delete the source branch after merging the pull request, and then choose Merge. After the merge completes, the status of the pull request changes to Merged and no longer appears in the default view of pull requests. The default view shows pull requests with a status of Open. You can still view a merged pull request, but you cannot approve it or change its status.


    If the Merge button is not active, or you see the Not mergeable label, either a required reviewer has not yet approved the pull request, or the pull request cannot be merged in the CodeCatalyst console. A reviewer who has not approved a pull request is indicated by a clock icon in Overview in the Pull request details area. If all required reviewers have approved the pull request but the Merge button is still not active, you might have a merge conflict, or you have exceeded the storage quota for the space. You can resolve merge conflicts for the destination branch in a Dev Environment, push the changes, and then merge the pull request, or you can resolve conflicts and merge locally, and then push the commit that contains the merge to CodeCatalyst. For more information, see Merging a pull request (Git) and your Git documentation.

Viewing the deployed code

Now it's time to view the originally deployed code that was in the default branch, and your merged changes once they are automatically built, tested, and deployed. To do so, you can return to the overview page for the repository and choose the number next to the related workflows icon, or in the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.

To view the deployed code
  1. In Workflows, in onPushToMainDeployPipeline, expand Recent runs.


    This is the default name of the workflow for projects created with the Single-page application blueprint.

  2. The most recent run is the one started by your merged pull request commit to the main branch and will likely show a status of In progress. Choose a successfully completed run from the list to open the details of that run.

  3. Choose Variables. Copy the value for AppURL. This is the URL for the deployed single page web application. Open a new browser tab and paste in the value to view the built and deployed code. Leave the tab open.

  4. Return to the list of workflow runs and wait for the most recent run to complete. When it does, return to the tab you opened to view the web application and refresh your browser. You should see the changes that you made in your merged pull request.

Cleaning up resources

Once you've explored working with a source repository and pull request, you might want to remove any resources you don't need. You cannot delete pull requests, but you can close them. You can delete any branches you created.

If you no longer need the source repository or the project, you can also delete those resources. For more information, see Deleting a source repository and Deleting a project in Amazon CodeCatalyst.