Working with applications in CodeDeploy - AWS CodeDeploy

Working with applications in CodeDeploy

After you configure instances, but before you can deploy a revision, you must create an application in CodeDeploy. An application is simply a name or container used by CodeDeploy to ensure the correct revision, deployment configuration, and deployment group are referenced during a deployment.

Use the information in the following table for next steps:

Compute platform Scenario Information for next step


I haven't created instances yet.

See Working with instances for CodeDeploy, and then return to this page.


I have created instances, but I haven't finished tagging them.

See Tagging Instances for Deployments, and then return to this page.

EC2/On-Premises, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ECS

I haven't created an application yet.

See Create an application with CodeDeploy

EC2/On-Premises, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ECS

I have already created an application, but I haven't created a deployment group.

See Create a deployment group with CodeDeploy.

EC2/On-Premises, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ECS

I have already created an application and deployment group, but I haven't created an application revision. See Working with application revisions for CodeDeploy.

EC2/On-Premises, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ECS

I have already created an application and deployment group, and I have already uploaded my application revision. I'm ready to deploy. See Create a deployment with CodeDeploy.