Add a tag to a profiling group - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Add a tag to a profiling group

Adding tags to a profiling group can help you identify and organize your profiling groups and manage access to them. First, you add one or more tags (key-value pairs) to a profiling group. Keep in mind that there are limits on the number of tags you can have on a profiling group. After you have tags, you can create IAM policies to manage access to the profiling group based on these tags. You can use the CodeGuru Profiler console to add tags to a profiling group.

You can add tags when you create your profiling group on the Create profiling group page. You can also add tags to your existing profiling group.

Add a tag to a profiling group

You can use the CodeGuru Profiler console to add one or more tags to an existing profiling group.

  1. In Profiling groups, choose the name of the profiling group where you want to add tags.

  2. Choose Actions. Choose Edit profiling group.

  3. Choose the Tags tab.

  4. Choose Add new tag.

  5. In Key, enter a name for the tag. You can add an optional value for the tag in Value.

  6. (Optional) To add another tag, choose Add new tag again.

  7. When you have finished adding tags, choose Save.