Edit tags for a profiling group - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

Edit tags for a profiling group

You can change the value for a tag associated with a profiling group. While you can't change the key, you can deleting a tag and creating a new one with the updated key. Keep in mind that there are limits on the characters you can use in the key and value fields.


Editing tags for a profiling group can impact access to that profiling group. Before you edit the name (key) or value of a tag for a profiling group, make sure to review any IAM policies that might use the key or value for a tag to control access to resources such as profiling groups.

Edit a tag for a profiling group

You can use the CodeGuru Profiler console to edit the tags associated with a profiling group.

  1. In Profiling groups, choose the name of the profiling group where you want to edit tags.

  2. Choose Actions. Choose Edit profiling group.

  3. Choose the Tags tab. To change the tag, enter a new name in the Value. You cannot change the key of a tag.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To change the value of a tag, enter a new value. If you want to change the value to nothing, delete the current value and leave the field blank.

    • If you want to change the key of a tag, you can remove a tag and add a new one with the updated key name. Find the tag you want to remove, then choose Remove. Choose Add a new tag. In Key, enter a name for the tag. You can add an optional value for the tag in Value.

  5. When you have finished editing tags, choose Save.