Add a tag when you create a CodeGuru Reviewer associated repository (AWS CLI) - Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Add a tag when you create a CodeGuru Reviewer associated repository (AWS CLI)

You can use the AWS CLI to add tags to an associated repository when you create it.


Because you cannot use the AWS CLI to create a GitHub repository, you cannot use the AWS CLI to add tags to a GitHub repository when you create it. You can use the AWS CLI to add tags to an existing GitHub repository using tag-resource. You can also add tags when you create a GitHub repository association with the console.

To add a tag when you create a repository association
  1. Make sure that you have configured the AWS CLI with the AWS Region in which you want to create your code reviews. To verify the Region, run the following command at the command line or terminal and review the information for the default name.

    aws configure

    The default Region name must match the AWS Region for the repository in CodeCommit.

  2. Run the associate-repository command specifying the tags you want to add with the --tags parameter. Specify a tag's key and value using an equal symbol (for example, my-key=my-value). For more information about how to use associate-repository to create an association with your repository type, see one of the following:

    The following example adds 3 tags when you create an AWS CodeCommit repository association.

    aws codeguru-reviewer associate-repository --repository CodeCommit={Name=my-codecommit-repo} / --tags value-1=key-1,owner=admin,status=beta
  3. If successful, this command outputs a RepositoryAssociation object that includes an array with the 3 tags.

    { "RepositoryAssociation": { "AssociationId": "repository-association-uuid", "Name": "my-codecommit-repo", "LastUpdatedTimeStamp": 1595634764.029, "ProviderType": "CodeCommit", "CreatedTimeStamp": 1595634764.029, "Owner": "123456789012", "State": "Associating", "StateReason": "Pending Repository Association", "AssociationArn": "arn:aws:codeguru-reviewer:us-west-2:123456789012:association:repository-association-uuid", }, "Tags": { "owner": "admin", "status": "beta", "value-1": "key-1", } }