View rollback status in execution listing - AWS CodePipeline

View rollback status in execution listing

You can view the status and target execution ID for a rollback execution.

View rollback status in list of executions (console)

You can use the console to view the status and target execution ID for a rollback execution in the execution listing.

View rollback execution status in list of executions (console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at

    The names and status of all pipelines associated with your AWS account are displayed.

  2. In Name, choose the name of the pipeline you want to view.

  3. Choose History. The list of executions shows the label Rollback.

An example execution history page showing the Rollback label in CodePipeline.

Choose the execution ID for which you want to view details.

View rollback status with list-pipeline-executions (CLI)

You can use the CLI to view the status and target execution ID for a rollback execution.

  • Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows) and use the AWS CLI to run the list-pipeline-executions command:

    aws codepipeline list-pipeline-executions --pipeline-name MyFirstPipeline

    This command returns a list of all of the completed executions associated with the pipeline.

    The following example shows the returned data for a pipeline named MyFirstPipeline where a rollback execution started the pipeline.

    { "pipelineExecutionSummaries": [ { "pipelineExecutionId": "eb7ebd36-353a-4551-90dc-18ca5EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "startTime": "2024-04-16T09:00:28.185000+00:00", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-04-16T09:00:29.665000+00:00", "sourceRevisions": [ { "actionName": "Source", "revisionId": "revision_ID", "revisionSummary": "Added README.txt", "revisionUrl": "console-URL" } ], "trigger": { "triggerType": "ManualRollback", "triggerDetail": "{arn:aws:sts::<account_ID>:assumed-role/<role>"}" }, "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED", "executionType": "ROLLBACK", "rollbackMetadata": { "rollbackTargetPipelineExecutionId": "f15b38f7-20bf-4c9e-94ed-2535eEXAMPLE" } }, { "pipelineExecutionId": "fcd61d8b-4532-4384-9da1-2aca1EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "startTime": "2024-04-16T08:58:56.601000+00:00", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-04-16T08:59:04.274000+00:00", "sourceRevisions": [ { "actionName": "Source", "revisionId": "revision_ID", "revisionSummary": "Added README.txt", "revisionUrl": "console_URL" } ], "trigger": { "triggerType": "StartPipelineExecution", "triggerDetail": "arn:aws:sts::<account_ID>:assumed-role/<role>" }, "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED" }, { "pipelineExecutionId": "5cd064ca-bff7-425f-8653-f41d9EXAMPLE", "status": "Failed", "startTime": "2024-04-24T19:19:50.781000+00:00", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-04-24T19:19:52.119000+00:00", "sourceRevisions": [ { "actionName": "Source", "revisionId": "<revision_ID>", "revisionSummary": "Edited README.txt", "revisionUrl": "<revision_URL>" } ], "trigger": { "triggerType": "AutomatedRollback", "triggerDetail": "{\"FailedPipelineExecutionId\":\"b2e77fa5-9285-4dea-ae66-4389EXAMPLE\"}" }, "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED", "executionType": "ROLLBACK", "rollbackMetadata": { "rollbackTargetPipelineExecutionId": "5efcfa68-d838-4ca7-a63b-4a743EXAMPLE" } },