Guidelines and quotas - Amazon Comprehend Medical

Guidelines and quotas

Keep the following information in mind when using Amazon Comprehend Medical.

  • Amazon Comprehend Medical supports character encoding in UTF-8 English (EN).

  • Amazon Comprehend Medical does not allow sequential forward slash characters (//) in file paths for async jobs.

Important notice

Amazon Comprehend Medical is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Amazon Comprehend Medical provides confidence scores that indicate the level of confidence in the accuracy of the detected entities. Identify the right confidence threshold for your use case, and use high confidence thresholds in situations that require high accuracy. For certain use cases, results should be reviewed and verified by appropriately trained human reviewers. Use Amazon Comprehend Medical in patient care scenarios only after trained medical professionals have reviewed results for accuracy and sound medical judgment.

Supported regions

For a list of AWS Regions where Amazon Comprehend Medical is available, see AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.


For information about throttling and quotas for Amazon Comprehend Medical, and to request a quota increase, see AWS Service Quotas.

Overall quotas

Amazon Comprehend Medical real time (sync) analysis operations have the following quotas:

Resource Default
Transactions per second (TPS) for the DetectEntities-v2, DetectEntities, DetectPHI, InferRxNorm, and InferICD10CM operations 40 TPS
Transactions per second (TPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation 2 TPS
Characters per second (CPS) for the DetectEntities-v2, DetectEntities, DetectPHI, InferRxNorm, and InferICD10CM operations 40,000 CPS
Characters per second (CPS) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation 5,000 CPS
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the DetectEntities, DetectEntities-v2, and DetectPHI operations 20 KB
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferICD10-CM and InferRxNorm operations 10 KB
Maximum document size (UTF-8 characters) for the InferSNOMEDCT operation 5 KB

Amazon Comprehend Medical batch analysis (async) operations have the following quotas:

Description Quota
Transactions per second (TPS) for the StartEntitiesDetectionV2Job, StartPHIDetectionJob, StopEntitiesDetectionV2Job, StopPHIDetectionJob, StartICD10CMInferenceJob, StartRxNormInferenceJob, StopICD10CMInferenceJob, StopRxNormInferenceJob, StartSNOMEDCTnferenceJob and StopSNOMEDCTnferenceJob operations 5 TPS
Transactions per second (TPS) for the ListEntitiesDetectionV2Jobs, ListPHIDetectionJobs, DescribeEntitiesDetectionV2Job, DescribePHIDetectionJob, ListICD10CMInferenceJobs, ListRxNormInferenceJobs, DescribeICD10CMInferenceJob, DescribeRxNormInferenceJob, ListSNOMEDCTnferenceJobs and DescribeSNOMEDCTnferenceJob operations 10 TPS
Maximum individual file size for batch jobs for all operations 70 KB
Maximum size of batch jobs (sum total of all files submitted in a batch job) 1 GB
Maximum number of active running batch jobs for each operation 10 jobs

If your text is larger than the character quotas, use to create smaller segments that can be analyzed.