Historical report limits - Amazon Connect

Historical report limits

Historical metrics reports have the following limits:

Service quotas
  • Historical metrics reports have service quotas, such as Reports per instance and Scheduled reports per instance. When service quotas are breached, the following error message is displayed: Report cannot be saved. For more information about these quotas, see Amazon Connect service quotas

Data only for active queues
  • You can get data only for active queues. A queue is inactive if there are no contacts in the queue and no agents available.

Query data for three days at a time, for the past 2 days
  • When you create a report that uses 15 minute intervals, you can return data for three days at a time, for the past 35 days. For 30 minute intervals you can return data for only three days at a time, but the data is available based on the retention period of contact records.

The availability of historical metric data is based on the retention period of contact records
For daily and total intervals
  • You can select up to 31 days in a single request.

80k cell limit

There is currently an 80k cell limitation on historical metrics reports and scheduled reports. This applies to the total number of cells (columns * rows), accounting for grouping and filtering.

For example, let's say you create a historical metrics report with this criteria:

  • Grouped by agents

  • With an interval of 30 minutes

  • For the last 24 hours

  • Configured to include only 5 metrics

  • Filtered to show only contacts handled in BasicQueue

If only 10 agents handled contacts in BasicQueue during this time, then you would expect to see (24*2)*5*10 = 2400 cells that count towards the 80k limit.

A message informs you if you reach the limit.