Add interactive messages for customers in chat - Amazon Connect

Add interactive messages for customers in chat

Interactive messages are rich messages that present a prompt and pre-configured display options for a customer to choose. These messages are powered by Amazon Lex and configured through Amazon Lex using a Lambda.


If you have integrated with Apple Messages for Business, see Interactive Message Types on the Apple website.

Validation limits

The string field limits (for example, title, subtitle, etc.) are expected to be enforced by the client (that is, a custom built interface or the hosted communications widget). The SendMessage API checks only that the total size of the string is less than 20KB.

  • When you use the hosted communications widget without customizing it, if the string exceeds field limits, it is truncated on the user interface and an ellipsis (...) is appended. You can determine how to enforce field limits by customizing the widget.

  • If you are integrating with other platforms (such as Apple Messages for Business), review the limits in this topic for Amazon Connect, and review the limits in the documentation for the other platform. For example, quick replies are not supported on older versions of iOS.

All other field limits must be followed for the message to be successfully sent.

Message display templates

Amazon Connect provides the following message display templates for you to use to render information to customers in a chat:

These templates define how the information is going to render, and what information is surfaced in the chat interface. When interactive messages are sent through chat, flows validate that the message format follows one of these templates.

List picker template

Use the list picker template to present the customer with a list of up to six choices. Each choice can have its own image.

The following images show two examples of how the list picker template renders information in a chat.

  • One image shows three buttons, each one with the name of a fruit in text: apple, orange, banana.

  • The second image shows a picture of a store and then under it, three buttons, each one with the name, image, and price of the fruit.

The list picker template rendering information in a chat.

The following code is the list picker template that you can use in your Lambda. Note the following:

  • Bold text is a mandatory parameter.

  • In some cases, if the parent element exists in the request and it isn't mandatory/bold, but the fields in it are, then the fields are mandatory. For example, see data.replyMessage structure in the following template. If the structure exists, title is mandatory. Otherwise complete replyMessage is optional.

{ "templateType":"ListPicker", "version":"1.0", "data":{ "replyMessage":{ "title":"Thanks for selecting!", "subtitle":"Produce selected", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Select a produce to buy" }, "content":{ "title":"What produce would you like to buy?", "subtitle":"Tap to select option", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Select a produce to buy", "elements":[ { "title":"Apple", "subtitle":"$1.00", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"" }, { "title":"Orange", "subtitle":"$1.50", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", }, { "title":"Banana", "subtitle":"$10.00", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Banana" } ] }

List picker limits

The following table lists the limits for each of the list picker elements, should you choose to build your own Lambda from scratch. The mandatory parameters are in bold.

To send unlimited options, implement action buttons in your application. For more information, see Implementation of action buttons in interactive message list picker/panel.

Parent field Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement



Valid template type





Must be "1.0"


content Yes
replyMessage No


title Yes



Should be a description for promptless templates

elements Yes

1 item

10 items

This is an array of elements. Maximum 10 elements in the array. To send unlimited elements, use the action buttons feature.

subtitle No



imageType No



Must be "URL"

imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL

imageDescription No



referenceId No

String. Only required for action button feature.

listId No

String. Only required for action button feature.

preIndex No

Number. Only required for action button feature.

nextIndex No

Number. Only required for action button feature.

templateIdentifier No

Number. Should be an UUID. This field is required if List Picker/Panel is being used in a Carousel.


title Yes



subtitle No



imageType No



Must be "URL"

imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL

imageDescription No



Cannot exist without an image

actionDetail No

Only required for action button feature. Must be "PREVIOUS_OPTIONS" or "SHOW_MORE".


title Yes



subtitle No



imageType No



Must be "URL"

imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL

imageDescription No



Cannot exist without an image

Time picker template

The time picker template is useful for enabling customers to schedule appointments. You can provide up to 40 timeslots to the customer in a chat.

The following images show two examples of how the time picker template renders information in a chat.

  • One image shows one date, and under it, one time slot.

  • The second image shows one date, and under it, two time slots.

The time picker template rendering information in a chat.

The following image shows the time picker with an image


If you are using this message template with the Apple Messages for Business channel and do not add an image, Amazon Connect will add a default image in both the reply and response message.

The time picker with an image.

The following code is the time picker template that you can use in your Lambda. Note the following:

  • Bold text is a mandatory parameter.

  • In some cases, if the parent element exists in the request and it isn't mandatory/bold, but the fields in it are, then the fields are mandatory. For example, see data.replyMessage structure in the following template. If the structure exists, title is mandatory. Otherwise complete replyMessage is optional.

{ "templateType":"TimePicker", "version":"1.0", "data":{ "replyMessage":{ "title":"Thanks for selecting", "subtitle":"Appointment selected", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Appointment booked" }, "content":{ "title":"Schedule appointment", "subtitle":"Tap to select option", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Appointment booked", "timeZoneOffset":-450, "location":{ "latitude":47.616299, "longitude":-122.4311, "title":"Oscar", "radius":1, }, "timeslots":[ { "date" : "2020-10-31T17:00+00:00", "duration": 60, }, { "date" : "2020-11-15T13:00+00:00", "duration": 60, }, { "date" : "2020-11-15T16:00+00:00", "duration": 60, } ], } } } }

Time picker limits

The following table lists the limits for each of the time picker elements. Use this information if you choose to build your own Lambda from scratch. The mandatory parameters are in bold.

Parent field Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement



Valid template type





Must be "1.0"


replyMessage No
content Yes






Should be description for promptless templates

subtitle No



imageType No



Must be "URL"
imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL
imageDescription No



Cannot exist without an image






Should be description for promptless templates

subtitle No



imageType No



Must be "URL"
imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL
imageDescription No



Cannot exist without an image
timezone offset No



This is an optional field when not set. Our sample client defaults to the user's timezone. If set, this displays per the timezone entered. The field should be an integer representing the number of minutes from GMT, specifying the timezone of the event's location.

location No

timeslots Yes



This is an array of timeslots. Maximum of 40 elements in the array.


longitude Yes



Must be double

latitude Yes



Must be double

title Yes








date Yes

Should be in ISO-8601 time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH.MM+00.00

For example:


duration Yes



Panel template

By using the panel template, you can present the customer with up to 10 choices under one question. However, you can include only one image, rather than an image with each choice.

The follow image shows an example of how the panel template renders information in a chat. It shows an image at the top of the message, and under the image it shows a prompt that asks How can I help? Tap to select option. Under the prompt three options are displayed to the customer: Check self-service options, Talk to an agent, End chat.

The panel template rendering information in a chat.

The following code is the panel template that you can use in your Lambda. Note the following:

  • Bold text is a mandatory parameter.

  • In some cases, if the parent element exists in the request and it isn't mandatory/bold, but the fields in it are, then the fields are mandatory. For example, see data.replyMessage structure in the following template. If the structure exists, title is mandatory. Otherwise, complete replyMessage is optional.

{ "templateType":"Panel", "version":"1.0", "data":{ "replyMessage":{ "title":"Thanks for selecting!", "subtitle":"Option selected", }, "content":{ "title":"How can I help you?", "subtitle":"Tap to select option", "imageType":"URL", "imageData":"", "imageDescription":"Select an option", "elements":[ { "title":"Check self-service options", }, { "title":"Talk to an agent", }, { "title":"End chat", } ] } } }

Panel limits

The following table lists the limits for each of the panel elements, should you choose to build your own Lambda from scratch. The mandatory parameters are in bold.

To send unlimited options, implement action buttons in your application. For more information, see Implementation of action buttons in interactive message list picker/panel.

Parent field Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement



Valid template type





Must be "1.0"


replyMessage No
content Yes


title Yes



Should be a description for promptless templates

subtitle No



elements Yes

1 item

10 items

This is an array of elements. Maximum 10 elements in the array.

imageType No



Must be "URL"

imageData No



Must be a valid publicly accessible URL

imageDescription No



Cannot exist without an image

referenceId No

String. Only required for action button feature.

listId No

String. Only required for action button feature.

preIndex No

Number. Only required for action button feature.

nextIndex No

Number. Only required for action button feature.

templateIdentifier No

Number. Should be an UUID. This field is required if List Picker/Panel is being used in a Carousel.


title Yes



actionDetail No

Only required for action button feature. Must be "PREVIOUS_OPTIONS" or "SHOW_MORE".


title Yes



subtitle No



Quick reply template

Use quick reply messages to get simple responses from customers and them to customers in an in-line list. You can present customers with up to 5 options in one quick reply message. Images are not supported for quick replies.

The following image shows an example of how the quick reply template renders information in a chat.

The panel template rendering information in a chat.

The following code is the quick reply template that you can use in your Lambda.

{ "templateType": "QuickReply", "version": "1.0", "data": { "replyMessage": { "title": "Thanks for selecting!" }, "content": { "title": "Which department would you like?", "elements": [{ "title": "Billing" }, { "title": "Cancellation" }, { "title": "New Service" } ] } } }

Quick reply limits

The following table lists the limits for each of the quick reply elements. Use this information if you choose to build your own Lambda from scratch. The mandatory parameters are in bold.

Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement


Valid template type





Must be "1.0"


title Yes



Should be a description for promptless templates

elements Yes

2 item

10 items

This is an array of elements. Minimum 2 elements and maximum 10 elements in the array.

title Yes



Use carousels to display up to 5 list pickers or panels to customers in a single message. Similar to the list picker and time picker, you can add more options to the carousel by using the SHOW_MORE feature.

The following GIF shows an example of how the carousel template renders information in a chat. Customers scroll through the carousel of images by using the left and right arrows.

A carousel in a customer's chat experience.

The following image shows two Learn More hyperlinks, which are examples of carousel picker hyperlink elements.

A carousel picker with hyperlinks.

The following code is the carousel template that you can use in your Lambda.

{ "templateType": "Carousel", "version": "1.0", "data": { "content": { "title": "View our popular destinations", "elements": [ { "templateIdentifier": "template0", "templateType": "Panel", "version": "1.0", "data": { "content": { "title": "California", "subtitle": "Tap to select option", "elements": [ { "title": "Book flights" }, { "title": "Book hotels" }, { "title": "Talk to agent" } ] } } }, { "templateIdentifier": "template1", "templateType": "Panel", "version": "1.0", "data": { "content": { "title": "New York", "subtitle": "Tap to select option", "elements": [ { "title": "Book flights" }, { "title": "Book hotels" }, { "title": "Talk to agent" } ] } } } ] } } }

For hosted communications widget users:

  • The selections on the carousel template result in a JSON string response structured like the following example, to be sent back to Lambda (other interactive message types return regular string response with only selectionText value):

    { templateIdentifier: "template0", listTitle: "California", selectionText: "Book hotels" }
  • In carousels, you can provide hyperlinks in the list picker/panel elements. To create a hyperlink instead of a button, include the following additional fields for the element that should be a hyperlink:

    { title: "Book flights", ... type: "hyperlink", url: "" }

The following table lists the limits for each of the carousel elements. Use this information if you choose to build your own Lambda from scratch. The mandatory parameters are in bold.

Parent field Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement



Valid template type





Must be "1.0"


content Yes


title Yes



Should be a description for promptless templates

elements Yes

2 item

5 items

This is an array of either list pickers or panel templates. Only one interactive message type is accepted per carousel. Each element should include the top-level field templateIdentifier. Minimum 2 templates and maximum 5 templates in the array.


For the best customer experience, we recommend that each template has consistent use of images/number of elements.

omitTitleFromCarouselResponse No

Boolean - Optionally respond with "SelectionText" instead of the default "PickerTitle: SelectionText".

carouselIsVertical No

Boolean - Optionally render Carousel elements with vertical scroll.

Apple form template


This template is applicable only for Apple Messages for Business contact flows.

A business can send a form interactive message to their end customers through a single message, containing multiple pages of requested inputs. When the message is received on an end-customer's Apple device, they can open the form and navigate through the pages, providing a response for each page, before submitting all responses at the end of the form.

For example, businesses can use Apple forms for various purposes, including triaging flows, customer surveys, and account creation / sign-ups.


Interactive message content and end customer responses are stored in contact record transcript and are viewable by other chat participants and contact analysts with access to transcripts. To prevent PII from appearing in your contact record transcript after the contact has ended, you will want to use the Set recording and analytics behavior block in your step-by-step guide contact flow, enable Contact Lens, and enable the redaction of sensitive date. For full details on how to enable PII redaction, see Enable redaction of sensitive data.

The types of pages supported are:

  • ListPicker: a list of options that the user must select from with image support.

  • WheelPicker: similar to ListPicker but selection is made through scrollable wheel of options.

  • DatePicker: a calendar view where user can pick a date.

  • Input: a text field that the user must fill in.

The following code is an example of an Apple forms template you can use in your Lambda.

  • Bold text is a mandatory parameter.

  • In some cases, if the parent element exists in the request and it isn't mandatory/bold, but the fields in it are, then the fields are mandatory.

Simple survey form example:

{   "templateType": "AppleForm",   "version": "1.0",   "data": {     "content": {       "title": "Survey",       "pages": [         {           "pageType": "DatePicker",           "title": "Date you visited",           "subtitle": "When did you last visit?",           "minDate": "2024-01-02"         },         {           "pageType": "ListPicker",           "title": "Rating",           "subtitle": "How do you rate the experience?",           "items": [             {               "title": "Good",               "imageType": "URL",               "imageData": ""             },             {               "title": "Okay",               "imageType": "URL",               "imageData": ""             },             {               "title": "Poor",               "imageType": "URL",               "imageData": ""             }           ]         },         {           "pageType": "ListPicker",           "title": "Dine type",           "subtitle": "Select all dine types that apply",           "multiSelect": true,           "items": [             {               "title": "Pickup"             },             {               "title": "Dine-in"             },             {               "title": "Delivery"             }           ]         },         {           "pageType": "WheelPicker",           "title": "Visits",           "subtitle": "How often do you visit?",           "items": [             {               "title": "Often"             }             {               "title": "Sometimes"             },             {               "title": "Rarely"             }           ]         },         {           "pageType": "Input",           "title": "Additional notes",           "subtitle": "Anything else you'd like to mention about your visit?",           "multiLine": true         }       ]     }   } }

Apple form limits


Field Type Required Description / Notes
version string Yes Version number. Allowed value: "1.0"
templateType TemplateType Yes Interactive message template type. Allowed values: ["ListPicker", "TimePicker", "Panel", "QuickReply", "Carousel", "ViewResource", "AppleForm"]
data InteractiveMessageData Yes Interactive message data


Field Type Required Description / Notes
content InteractiveMessageContent Yes Main interactive message content
replyMessage ReplyMessage No Message display configuration for after response to interactive message is sent


Field Type Required Description / Notes
title String Yes Top-level title of the form. Displayed in Apple receive message bubble and transcript rendering
subtitle String No Used as subtitle in ReceivedMessage
imageType String No Valid values: "URL" Used for image in ReceivedMessage
imageData String No S3 image url Used for image in ReceivedMessage
pages AppleFormPage[] Yes List of form pages
showSummary Boolean No Whether to display a summary page of responses to review before submission Default: False (no confirmation/summary page)
splashPage AppleFormSplashPage No Initial splash page to display before actual pages Default: No splash page


Field Type Required Description / Notes
title String Yes Title of splash page
subtitle String No Subtitle / body of splash page
imageType ImageType No Present when displaying image within splash page Allowed value: "URL" Default: No image displayed
imageData String No For imageType="URL", this is the URL value Default: No image displayed
buttonTitle String Yes Text of Continue button. Required by Apple, default text with localization not supported


  • Base model for form pages. Specific page types extend from this model

Field Type Required Description / Notes
pageType ApplePageType Yes Enum for page type. Allowed values: ["Input", "DatePicker", "WheelPicker", "ListPicker"]
title String Yes Page title
subtitle String Yes Page subtitle. Used in confirmation page


AppleFormDatePickerPage extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
pageType ApplePageType Yes Value: "DatePicker"
labelText String No Text displayed next to the date input. See example screenshots in Appendix
helperText String No Helper text displayed under the date input. See example screenshots in Appendix Default: No helper text
dateFormat String No ISO 8601 date format. Default: yyyy-MM-dd
startDate String No Initial / default selected date in valid date format Default: Current date for end user when message is sent
minDate String No Min date allowed to be selected in valid date format Default: No min
maxDate String No Max date allowed to be selected in valid date format Default: Current date for end user when message is sent


AppleFormListPickerPage extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
pageType ApplePageType Yes Value: "ListPicker"
multiSelect Boolean No Enables selecting multiple items Default: false (single selection)
items AppleFormListPickerPageItem[] Yes List of list page items


AppleFormListPickerPageItem extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
title String Yes Display text of item
imageType ImageType No Present when displaying image within item Allowed value: "URL" Default: No image displayed
imageData String No For imageType="URL", this is the URL value Default: No image displayed

Similar image model to existing interactive message models (ListPicker), except imageDescription is not included, which is used for image alt text in chat widget / web chats and ignored for Apple interactive messages.


AppleFormWheelPickerPage extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
pageType ApplePageType Yes Value: "WheelPicker"
items AppleFormWheelPickerPageItem[] Yes List of wheel picker items
labelText String No Text displayed next to the input. See example screenshots in Appendix


AppleFormWheelPickerPageItem extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
title String Yes Display text of picker item


AppleFormInputPage extends AppleFormPage

Field Type Required Description / Notes
pageType ApplePageType Yes Value: "Input"
labelText String No Text displayed next to the input box. See example screenshots in Appendix
helperText String No Addional text displayed under input box Default: No helper text
placeholderText String No Placeholder text to display initially when there's no input Default: "(Optional)" or "(Required)" placeholder text
prefixText String No Prefix text to display next to input. Ex: '$' when input is monetary value Default: No prefix text
required Boolean No Whether end user is required to provide input Default: false
multiLine Boolean No Whether multi-line input can be provided Default: false (single line)
maxCharCount Number No Max char count of input. Enforced on Apple client Default: No limit
regex String No Regex string to place constraints on input provided Default: No regex constraints
keyboardType String No Determines what type of keyboard is displayed when end user is providing input Allowed values: Same as Apple. See docs. Some of the allowed values: numberPad, phonePad, emailAddress
textContentType String No Helps with auto-fill suggestions on Apple device.  Allowed values: Same as Apple. See docs. Some of the allowed values: telephoneNumber, fullStreetAddress, familyName

Apple Pay template


This template is applicable only for Apple Messages for Business contact flows.

Use the Apple Pay template to provide an easy and secure way for customers to buy goods and services through Apple Messages for Business with Apple Pay.

The following code is the Apple Pay template that you can use in your Lambda:

  • Bold text is a mandatory parameter.

  • In some cases, if the parent element exists in the request and it isn't mandatory/bold, but the fields in it are, then the fields are mandatory.

{   "templateType":"ApplePay",   "version":"1.0",   "data":{     "content":{       "title":"Halibut",       "subtitle":"$63.99 at Sam's Fish",       "imageType":"URL",       "imageData":"",       "payment": {         "endpoints": {           "orderTrackingUrl": "",           "paymentGatewayUrl": "",           "paymentMethodUpdateUrl": "",           "shippingContactUpdateUrl": "",           "shippingMethodUpdateUrl": "",           "fallbackUrl": ""         },         "merchantSession": {           "epochTimestamp": 1525730094057,           "expiresAt": 1525730094057,           "merchantSessionIdentifier": "PSH40080EF4D6.........9NOE9FD",           "nonce": "fe72cd0f",           "merchantIdentifier": "",           "displayName": "Sam's Fish",           "signature": "308006092a8.......09F0W8EGH00",           "initiative": "messaging",           "initiativeContext": "",           "signedFields": [             "merchantIdentifier",             "merchantSessionIdentifier",             "initiative",             "initiativeContext",             "displayName",             "nonce"           ],         },         "paymentRequest": {           "applePay": {             "merchantCapabilities": [               "supports3DS",               "supportsDebit",               "supportsCredit"             ],             "merchantIdentifier": "",             "supportedNetworks": [               "amex",               "visa",               "discover",               "masterCard"             ]           },           "countryCode": "US",           "currencyCode": "USD",           "lineItems": [             {               "amount": "59.00",               "label": "Halibut",               "type": "final"             },             {               "amount": "4.99",               "label": "Shipping",               "type": "final"             }           ],           "requiredBillingContactFields": [             "postalAddress"           ],           "requiredShippingContactFields": [             "postalAddress",             "phone",             "email",             "name"           ],           "shippingMethods": [             {               "amount": "0.00",               "detail": "Available within an hour",               "identifier": "in_store_pickup",               "label": "In-Store Pickup"             },             {               "amount": "4.99",               "detail": "5-8 Business Days",               "identifier": "flat_rate_shipping_id_2",               "label": "UPS Ground"             },             {               "amount": "29.99",               "detail": "1-3 Business Days",               "identifier": "flat_rate_shipping_id_1",               "label": "FedEx Priority Mail"             }           ],           "total": {             "amount": "63.99",             "label": "Sam's Fish",             "type": "final"           },           "supportedCountries" : [             "US",             "CA",             "UK",             "JP",             "CN"           ]         }       },       "requestIdentifier" : "6b2ca008-1388-4261-a9df-fe04cd1c23a9"     }   } }

Apple Pay limits

Parent field Field Required Minimum characters Maximum characters Other requirement
templateType Yes Valid template type
data Yes
version Yes Must be "1.0"
data content Yes
content title Yes 1 512 The title of the received message bubble
subtitle No 0 512 Subtitle to be displayed under title of the received message bubble
imageData No 0 200 Must be a valid publicly accessible URL
imageType No 0 50 Must be "URL"
payment Yes A dictionary containing fields giving the specifics of an Apple Pay request.
requestIdentifier No String, An identifier for the ApplePay request. If not specified, an UUID will be genreated and used.
payment endpoints Yes A dictionary containing the endpoints for payment processing, contact updates, and order tracking.
merchantSession Yes A dictionary containing the payment session provided by Apple Pay after requesting a new payment session.
paymentRequest Yes A dictionary with information about the payment request
endpoints paymentGatewayUrl Yes String. Called by Apple Pay to process the payment through the payment provider. The URL should match the URL in the initiativeContext field of the merchant session
fallbackUrl No A URL that opens in a web browser so the customer can complete the purchase if their device is unable to make payments using Apple Pay. If specified, fallbackUrl need to match paymentGatewayUrl.
orderTrackingUrl No Called by Messages for Business after completing the order; provides you with an opportunity to update the order information in your system.
paymentMethodUpdateUrl No Called by Apple Pay when the customer changes the payment method. If you don’t implement this endpoint and you include this key in the dictionary, the customer sees an error message.
shippingContactUpdateUrl No Called by Apple Pay when the customer changes their shipping address information. If you don’t implement this endpoint and you include this key in the dictionary, the customer sees an error message
shippingMethodUpdateUrl No Called by Apple Pay when the customer changes the shipping method. If you don’t implement this endpoint and you include this key in the dictionary, the customer sees an error message.
merchantSession displayName Yes 1 64 String. The canonical name for your store, suitable for display. Do not localize the name.
initiative Yes String. Must be “messaging”
initiativeContext Yes String. Pass your payment gateway URL.
merchantIdentifier Yes String. A unique identifier that represents a merchant for Apple Pay.
merchantSessionIdentifier Yes String. A unique identifier that represents a merchant's session for Apple Pay.
epochTimestamp Yes String.The time representation in number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, January 1, 1970.
expiresAt Yes String. The exipiration time representation in number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, January 1, 1970.
nonce No Binary. A single-use string that checks the integrity of the interaction.
signature No Binary. A hash of the public key used to sign the interactions.
signedFields No List of strings contains the signed properties.
paymentRequest applePay Yes A dictionary that describes the Apple Pay configuration.
countryCode Yes String. The merchant’s two-letter ISO 3166 country code.
currencyCode Yes String. The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the payment.
lineItems No An array of line items explaining payments and additional charges. Line items are not required. However, the array cannot be empty if the lineItems key is present.
total Yes A dictionary containing the total. The total amount must be greater than zero to pass validation.
requiredBillingContactFields No The list of the customer's required billing information needed to process the transaction. For the list of possible strings, see requiredBillingContactFields. Require only the contact fields needed to process the payment. Requesting unnecessary fields adds complexity to the transaction, which can increase the chances of the customer canceling the payment request.
requiredShippingContactFields No The list of shipping or contact information required from the customer to fulfill the order. For example, if you need the customer's email or phone number, then include this key. For the list of possible strings, see requiredShippingContactFields.
shippingMethods No An array that lists the available shipping methods. The Apple Pay payment sheet displays the first shipping method from the array as the default shipping method.
supportedCountries No An array of countries to support. List each country with their ISO 3166 country code.
applePay merchantIdentifier Yes A unique identifier that represents a merchant for Apple Pay.
merchantCapabilities Yes An array of payment capabilities supported by the merchant. The array must include supports3DS, and may optionally include supportsCredit, supportsDebit, and supportsEMV.
supportedNetworks Yes An array of payment networks supported by the merchant. The array must include one or more of the following values: amex, discover, jcb, masterCard, privateLabel, or visa
lineItem amount Yes The monetary amount of the line item.
label Yes A short, localized description of the line item.
type No A value that indicates whether the line item is final or pending.
total amount Yes The total amount of the payment.
label Yes A short, localized description of the payment.
type No A value that indicates whether the payment is final or pending.
shippingMethods amount Yes String. The nonnegative cost associated with this shipping method.
detail Yes String. Additional description of the shipping method.
label Yes String. A short description of the shipping method.
identifier Yes String. A client-defined value used to identify this shipping method.

iMessage App template


This template is applicable only for Apple Messages for Business contact flows.

Use the iMessage Apps template to present the customer with your custom built iMessage App.

The following code is an example iMessage App template that you can use in your Lambda. 

{    templateType: AppleCustomInteractiveMessage,    version: "1.0",    data: {        content: {            appIconUrl: "",            appId: "123456789",            appName: "Package Delivery",            title: "Bubble Title CIM",            bid: "{team-id}:{ext-bundle-id}",            dataUrl: "?deliveryDate=26-01-2024&destinationName=Home&street=1infiniteloop&state=CA&city=Cupertino&country=USA&postalCode=12345&latitude=37.331686&longitude=-122.030656&isMyLocation=false&isFinalDestination=true",            subtitle: "Bubble package",        },        replyMessage: {            title: "Custom reply message title",            subtitle: "Custom reply message subtitle",            imageType: "URL",            imageData: "",        }    } }

iMessage App limits

Parent Field Field Required Type Other Notes
templateType Yes TemplateType Valid template type, "AppleCustomInteractiveMessage"
data Yes InteractiveMessageData Contains content and receivedMessage dictionaries
version Yes string Must be "1.0"
data content Yes InteractiveMessageContent Interactive Content of the iMessage App
replyMessage Yes ReplyMessage Message display configuration for after response to interactive message is sent
content appIconUrl Yes string AWS S3 URL
appId Yes string Business IMessage App Id
appName Yes string Business IMessage App name
bid Yes string Business IMessage App Bid. Pattern:{team-id}:{ext-bundle-id}
dataUrl Yes string Data that is passed into the iMessage App
useLiveLayout No boolean Default True
title Yes string title of the Imessage App bubble
subtitle No string subtitle of the Imessage App bubble
replyMessage title No string
subtitle No string
imageType No string Must be a valid publicly accessible URL
imageData No string Cannot exist without an image

You can add rich formatting to the titles and subtitles of your chat messages. For example, you can add links, italics, bold, numbered lists, and bulleted lists. You use markdown to format your text.

The following image of a chat box shows an example list picker with rich formatting in the title and subtitle.

  • The title How can we help? is bold and contains a link.

  • The subtitle contains italics and bold text, a bulleted list, and a numbered list. It also shows a plain link, text link, and sample code.

  • The bottom of the chat box shows three list picker elements.

A chat box, a title with a link, a subtitle with lists and links.

How to format text with markdown

You can write title and subtitle strings in a multi-line format, or in a single line with `\r\n` line break characters.

  • Multi-line format: The following code sample shows how to author lists in markdown in a multi-line format.

    const MultiLinePickerSubtitle = `This is some *emphasized text* and some **strongly emphasized text** This is a bulleted list (multiline): * item 1 * item 2 * item 3 This is a numbered list: 1. item 1 2. item 2 3. item 3 Questions? Visit [This is a link]( This is \`\` ` const PickerTemplate = { templateType: "ListPicker|Panel", version: "1.0", data: { content: { title: "How can we help?", subtitle: MultiLinePickerSubtitle, elements: [ /* ... */ ] } } }
  • Single line format: The following example shows how to author a subtitle in a single line by using `\r\n` line break characters.

    const SingleLinePickerSubtitle = "This is some *emphasized text* and some **strongly emphasized text**\r\nThis is a bulleted list:\n* item 1\n* item 2\n* item 3\n\nThis is a numbered list:\n1. item 1\n2. item 2\n3. item 3\n\nQuestions? Visit\r\n[This is a link](\r\nThis is `<code/>`"; const PickerTemplate = { templateType: "ListPicker|Panel", version: "1.0", data: { content: { title: "How can we help?", subtitle: SingleLinePickerSubtitle, elements: [ /* ... */ ] } } }

The following example shows how format italics and bold text with markdown:

This is some *emphasized text* and some **strongly emphasized text**

The following example shows how to format text as code with markdown:

This is `<code />`

How to format links with markdown

To create a link, use the following syntax:


The following examples show two ways you can add links with markdown:

Questions? Visit

[This is a link](