Intraday forecast performance dashboard
The Intraday forecast performance dashboard provides forecasts for:
Contact volume and Average handle time for queues that have a minimum of 2000 unique contacts per week per queue-channel for the last 4 weeks.
Average queue answer time for queues that have 5000 unique contacts per month.
Enable access to the dashboard
Ensure users are assigned the appropriate Analytics and Optimization security profile permissions:
Access metrics - Access permission or the Dashboard - Access permission. For information about the difference in behavior, see Assign security profile permissions for dashboards.
Forecasting - View. If you don't see this permission on the security profiles page, ask your Administrator to enable forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling in the AWS console.
Performance overview chart
The Intraday trailing performance overview chart that provides aggregated metrics based on your filters. Each metric in the chart is compared to your "compare to" benchmark time range filter.
The following image shows an example Intraday trailing performance overview chart:
This chart shows the following information:
Contact volume during your time range selection was 1,213.
This is down ~13% compared to your benchmark number of contacts handled.
The percentages are rounded up or down.
The colors that appear for the metrics indicate positive (green) or negative (red) compared to your benchmark.
Comparison trend graphs
The Intraday performance dashboard displays the following three trend graphs, which cover different metrics:
These graphs include the intraday forecast that projects up to 24 hours on a 15 minute interval based on:
The value of the respective metric.
The historical actuals from the current day.
The historical actuals from the same time in the past week.
These trend graphs provide data only for the next 24 hours and the past 24 hours. There is no option to change the time range.
The following image shows an example of a Contact volume trend graph.