Security profile permissions for Amazon Connect Contact Lens - Amazon Connect

Security profile permissions for Amazon Connect Contact Lens

To keep customer data secure, you can set up permissions to have granular control on who can access information generated by Contact Lens.

The following image shows the Analytics and Optimization security profile permissions that apply to Contact Lens.

Contact Lens security profile permissions.

Following is a description of the permissions.

Contact search

This permission isn't specific to Contact Lens, but it is required so you can access the Contact search page, which is where you can search contacts so you can review the analyzed recording and transcript. In addition, you can do fast, full-text search on call transcripts, and search by sentiment score and non-talk time.

View my contacts

This permission isn't specific to Contact Lens, but it is required if you need to access the Contact search page, review only those contacts that you handled, and review the analyzed recording and transcripts.


If both Contact search and View my contacts permissions are granted, then the user will have access to all contacts.

Search contacts by conversation characteristics

On the Contact Search page:

  • For voice contacts, you can access additional filters that allow you to return results by sentiment score and non-talk time.

  • For chat contacts, you can access an additional filter to search for contacts by response time.

  • For both voice and chat, you can search conversations that fall into specific contact categories.

For more information, see Search for sentiment score/shift, Search for non-talk time, and Search a contact category.

The following image shows of the Filters section of the Contact Search page, and the Filters dropdown menu. Filters with CL next to them are only available to users who have this security profile permission.

The add filters dropdown menu, filters with CL next to them.
Search contacts by keywords

On the Contact Search page, you can access additional filters that allow you to search contacts by Words or phrases, such as "thank you for your business." For more information, see Search for words or phrases.

The add filters dropdown menu, the Words or phrases CL filter.
Contact Lens - conversational analytics

On the Contact details you can view graphs that summarize conversational analytics (customer sentiment, talk time for voice contacts), as well as sentiment colors and indicators for each conversation turn on transcripts and recordings. For example, the following image shows how this information is displayed on the Contact details page for a voice contact.

Contact Lens - conversational analytics - View permission is also required to view sentiment indicators on conversation recordings and transcripts.

Graphs on the contact details page.
Graphs on the contact details page.

This permission allows you to view, edit, or create rules for categorizing contacts. For more information, see Categorize contacts based on keywords and phrases used in a conversation in Contact Lens.

Recorded conversations (redacted)

On the Contact details and Contact search pages for a contact, this permission allows you to listen to call recording files or view the chat transcript in which the sensitive data has been removed. For more information, see Example redacted file for a call.

Recorded conversations (unredacted)

On the Contact details and Contact search pages, this permission manages access to unredacted content that contains sensitive data such as name and credit card information. It manages access to the following unredacted content:

  • Original, unredacted chat and speech transcripts analyzed by Contact Lens

  • Original, unredacted transcripts analyzed by Contact Lens

  • Original, unredacted audio recordings

You can access this content on the Contact details page for a contact. For more information, see Example original, analyzed file for a call.


If you have permissions to both Recorded conversations (redacted) and Recorded conversations (unredacted), note the following behavior:

  • By default only redacted recordings and transcripts are made available on the Contact details and Contact search pages.

  • When no redacted content exists for the contact, or when redacted content cannot be shown to the user, then unredacted content is displayed on the Contact details and Contact search pages.

To access unredacted conversations, remove permissions to Recorded conversations (redacted). This leaves the user with only Recorded conversations (unredacted) permissions.

You cannot access both the redacted and unredacted version of a conversation at the same time.