Flow block: Amazon Q in Connect - Amazon Connect

Flow block: Amazon Q in Connect


Supported channels

The following table lists how this block routes a contact who is using the specified channel.


Nothing happens if a task is sent to this block, however, you will be charged. To prevent this, add a Check contact attributes block before this one and route tasks accordingly. For instructions, see Route based on contact's channel.

Channel Supported?







Flow types

You can use this block in the following flow types:

  • Inbound flow

  • Customer Queue flow

  • Outbound whisper flow

  • Transfer to Agent flow

  • Transfer to Queue flow


The following image shows the Properties page of the Amazon Q in Connect block. It specifies the full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Q in Connect domain to associate to the contact.

The properties page of the Amazon Q in Connect block.

Configuration tips

  • To use Amazon Q in Connect with calls, you must enable Amazon Connect Contact Lens in the flow by adding a Set recording and analytics behavior block that is configured for Contact Lens real-time. It doesn't matter where in the flow you add the Set recording and analytics behavior block.

    Amazon Q in Connect, along with Contact Lens real-time analytics, is used to recommend content that is related to customer issues detected during the current call.

  • Contact Lens is not required to use Amazon Q in Connect with chats.

Configured block

The following image shows an example of what this block looks like when it is configured. It has the following branches: Success and Error.

A configured Amazon Q in Connect block.