Delete StackSets and Stacks - AWS Control Tower

Delete StackSets and Stacks

AWS Control Tower uses StackSets and stacks to deploy AWS Config Rules related to controls in your landing zone. The following procedures walk through how to delete these specific resources.

To delete AWS CloudFormation StackSets
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. From the left navigation menu, choose StackSets.

  3. For each StackSet with the prefix AWSControlTower, do the following. If you have many accounts in a StackSet, this can take some time.

    1. Choose the specific StackSet from the table in the dashboard. This opens the properties page for that StackSet.

    2. At the bottom of the page, in the Stacks table, make a record of the AWS account IDs for all the accounts in the table. Copy the list of all accounts.

    3. From Actions, choose Delete stacks from StackSet.

    4. On Set deployment options, from Deployment locations, choose Deploy stacks in accounts.

    5. In the text field, enter the AWS account IDs you made a record of in step 3.b, separated by commas. For example: 123456789012, 098765431098, and so on.

    6. From Specify regions, choose Add all, leave the rest of the parameters on the page set to their defaults, and choose Next.

    7. On the Review page, review your choices, and then choose Delete stacks.

    8. On the StackSet properties page, you can begin this procedure again for your other StackSets.

  4. The process is complete when the records in the Stacks table of the different StackSets properties pages are empty.

  5. When the records in the Stacks table are empty, choose Delete StackSet.

To delete AWS CloudFormation stacks
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. From the Stacks dashboard, search for all of the stacks with the prefix AWSControlTower.

  3. For each stack in the table, do the following:

    1. Choose the check box next to the name of the stack.

    2. From the Actions menu, choose Delete Stack.

    3. In the dialog box that opens, review the information to make sure it's accurate, and choose Yes, Delete.